
Boy, 16 years old, accused after the teenager stabbed in Nottingham City Center Primary Store | UK News

Boy, 16 years old, accused after the teenager stabbed in Nottingham City Center Primary Store | UK News

A 16 -year -old boy was accused after another teenager was stabbed in the chest in front of buyers at a Primarkam Primetingham store.

The 17 -year -old victim was seriously injured in the store in Long Row around 11.30, on Sunday, the police said.

A boy, who cannot be named because of his age, was arrested a few hours after the incident and was now accused of intentionally injured and holding a Lamad article in a public place, the Nottinghamshire police added.

He was withdrawn in arrest and is about to appear in front of the magistrates Monday.

The victim is in a stable state, and his wounds are not considered to be life in danger, the police said.

The chief inspector of the detective, Claire Gould, of the Police in Nottinghashire, said: “We understand the alarm that this incident has caused and I would like to ensure the public we have worked in the rhythm to build a complete picture of what It happened – and why.

“I am pleased that now we have managed to perceive a suspect in this case.

“As we continue to progress with our investigation, we still ask anyone who has information that could help us with our questions, which have not already been presented, to contact us as soon as possible.”