
Man sentenced to three years for indecent attack News

Man sentenced to three years for indecent attack News

Senior Guardian reporter

An ordinary offender was closed on Friday for three years after he admitted that he had gathered a woman’s bottom “to attract her attention.”

The 45-year-old Mario Rocker pleaded guilty to his indecent appeal in front of Deputy Chief Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans.

According to the prosecutor, Corporal 3738 Charlene Johnson, on February 16, around 4:45 pm, Rocker entered 242 liqueurs in the center of Nassau and gathered the bottom of an 18 -year -old employee.

Rocker, who did not have a lawyer, told the magistrate: “I know it is Ga, it takes it.”

He claimed that he and the woman were “in the spoken stages, but he did not give him the name.”

Johnson told the court that the woman said she knew her attacker.

Last September, Vogt-Evans convicted Rocker to six months in prison, after indecently assaulted a woman on Junkanoo beach.

She said, “Less than a year later, you appeared again before me. The court must be clear to be criminals and repeat the criminals that it has no tolerance for such acts. You have no right to put your hand on a woman, anyone for this, without their consent. “

The deputy prosecutor, Constable 4076 Tasheba Evans, reminded the court that a roker was forced to keep peace on February 13, just five days before recovering.

On that occasion, Rocker pleaded guilty that he was an incaritory dishonest, after the police arrested him on the island of Paradise.

The magistrate forbade him on the roker, who has a history of convictions for cheated tourists, from going to the island of Paradise for a year and ordered him to remain without problems for the same period.

Ever since the roker violated the order, he has been sentenced to a concomitant sentence of 14 days.