
American citizen is supposed to have found cocaine in the rectum denies drug trafficking charges

American citizen is supposed to have found cocaine in the rectum denies drug trafficking charges

American citizen is supposed to have found cocaine in the rectum denies drug trafficking charges

An side-by-side image of American citizens Jarod Tyler Roberts and cocaine pellets that he has ingested after being recovered from the rectum. Photos | DCI

An American national arrested after having ingested several cocaine pellets refused drug trafficking charges.

Jarod Tyler Roberts was notified Monday before the laws of law of the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), where it was stated that he is not guilty of cocaine traffic, evaluated at KSH.240,000.

Through his lawyer, Danstan Omari, Roberts informed the court that he was in the process of completing a plea agreement with the state.

The case is established on Wednesday to confirm the status of the negotiations.

Roberts has been in a hurry At the Shah Parliamentary Hospital in the Westlands area of ​​Nairobi, on February 16, by his friends, after experiencing severe abdominal pain.

At examination, medical staff suspected that it had ingested narcotic substances. The police were alerted, which led to his arrest.

According to investigators, Roberts entered the hospital under the care of his associates, and additional medical exams confirmed the presence of foreign substances in his digestive system.

He was placed under careful observation, with officers stationed on guard to monitor his condition.

A medical procedure led to the finding of three pellets in its rectum through an endoscopy, with an additional pellet expelled later on the same day.

Sources indicate that the authorities suspect that he could ingest more pellets before his arrest.

Preliminary research suggests that Roberts could act as a drug courier, although his defense team claims that he is not involved in traffic.

The court will meet on Wednesday for additional procedures.