
Wordle #1346 Suggestions and response to today – Solve the puzzle

Wordle #1346 Suggestions and response to today – Solve the puzzle

Today’s Wordle game consists of a provocative puzzle. Players have six chances to guess a five -letter word. The game was formulated by a software engineer. His name is Josh Wardle. The game was released to the public in 2021. Then, the New York Times purchased it in 2022. Since then, it has been a popular world. Continue to read to solve the word puzzle today Wordle.

How to play the game

Players can start by choosing any five -letter word. This can be any word. Experts suggest that the word “crane” is the best as “starting word”. However, they say no word is a word of bad starter. After the player offers his guess, the game offers feedback. Based on this feedback, players can advance in the game. There are also coded plates with colors like feedback. These boards help players to guess the letters correctly. Green plates indicate that the letter is correct. However, the yellow plates indicate that the letter is correct, but it is in the wrong box. Finally, the gray plates indicate that the letter is incorrect. Players can follow these boards to guess the following moves. Have only six attempts.

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Suggestions for today’s Wordle

Suggestions for today’s game are elucidated as below.

1. Suggestion 1 – The word is a noun.

2. Suggestion 2 – This word is a hair machine.

3. Suggestion 3 – There is a vowel in today’s word.

4. Suggestion 4 – The answer has repeated letters.

5. Suggestion 5 – the only vowel in the answer is “E”.

6. Suggestion 6 – The word begins with the letter “D”.

These indications can guide players to advance carefully in the game.

Definition of today’s word

The definition of today’s word is important for understanding the answer. The answer refers to “a device that eliminates humidity by heating or other processes.” Thus, it is an electrical device. Also, this description helps players focus on the next letter.

Today’s Wordle response

Players can check the answer today after trying six attempts. The answer is “dryer”. This is a word that is a noun. It is a hair machine. It also has a vowel in it, which is “e”. Beside, the word begins with the letter “D”. Moreover, the word has repeated letters, which is “r”. Moreover, the word refers to a device that eliminates humidity. Do this by heating or other similar processes. Thus, the word is drier.


This is a favorite game of many players around the world. Every day, players visit the site to start a new puzzle. The answer to the puzzle of the day is also mentioned at the end. If they are not able to solve today’s puzzle, they can come the next day for a fresh one. Today’s word is “dryer”. On some days, the level of difficulty is easy. In the meantime, for others, the word can be difficult. Experts suggest the word “crane” as a word of beginning. This helps players easily solve the game.