
15 killed after the trucks are plunging into the river in Riau – Archipelag

15 killed after the trucks are plunging into the river in Riau – Archipelag

Ifteen people were killed in a truck accident on the Segati river in the Pelalawan Regency, RIAU, the authorities said on Monday as they ended the gone search.

Rescuers started searching on Saturday, after a truck carrying employees of Empat Res Bersaudara (ERB), operating a local acacia plantation, and members of their families were immersed in the river around 10 in the morning

Employees took their families for a walk behind the truck to buy food on the nearby Segati village on the free day.

About 150 respondents participated in the rescue, which involved a sweep of the Segati river and underwater diving. However, efforts were prevented by strong currents and weak cell sign in the area.

Budi Cahyadi, the head of the local search and rescue agency, said he lasted until Monday morning for all 32 passengers to be accounted for.

“A number of eight adults and seven children were killed in the accident, including the truck driver, while the remaining 17 passengers survived,” he said on Monday as reported by Kompas.

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He added that nine of the 15 victims were found on Monday. Most were discovered between 10 and 200 meters from the accident site, while a victim was located about 2 kilometers downstream.