
Increasing the degree of awareness of food disorders and finding the appropriate treatment plan

Increasing the degree of awareness of food disorders and finding the appropriate treatment plan

Stevens Point, wis. (WSAW) -28 million Americans will experience a food disorder in their lives and often remain misunderstood.

Aspirus Health says many assume that eating disorders primarily affect young women, but can affect people of all ages, genres and environments. They are the most common anorexia, bulimia and diet disorder. Here’s how you can recognize the signs of the disorder. Looking for mental health challenges, such as negative body image, even nutritional deficiencies, such as changes in eating habits.

“It is truly important to raise awareness, but only to put it behind someone’s mind that someone he can know could fight to help and achieve an early intervention, as this is really important. To help reduce many complications this can occur, ”said Taylor Young, clinical therapist, aspirus Health.

Recovery is possible with the right support. Everyone is different, but for most, specialists say that a multidisciplinary approach is needed. Treatment plans include you, providers of medical services, therapists and nutritionists working together. These resources are essential for creating an adapted plan to respond to your individual needs. Working in your system to get a support environment is also essential.

“Having a week of awareness is really useful for reducing social stigma and to announce that this is not just a very singular subject, that it affects a very singular group of people. It is something with which everyone in the whole society is struggling with little, ”said Young.

The young man says it is important to remember that health and weight are not as connected as many people believe in eating disorders. Make sure you approach the concerns with your friend or family member with empathy. Give an open conversation without judgment.