
EQS-PVR: MTU AER ENGINE AG: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 40 ABS. 1 WPHG MIT Dem Ziel der Europewiten Verbreitung

EQS-PVR: MTU AER ENGINE AG: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 40 ABS. 1 WPHG MIT Dem Ziel der Europewiten Verbreitung

Eqs stimemrechtsmitteilung: mtu aero motors AG

MTU AERO ENGINE AG: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 40 ABS. 1 WPHG MIT Dem Ziel der Europewiten Verbreitung

26.02.2025 / 15:41 CET / CEST
Veröffentlichung einer stimemrechtsmitteilung übermittelt durch eqs news – ein service der Eqs Group.
Für den inhalt der mitteilung ist der emitten / Herausgeber Ventwortlich.

Die Blackrock, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, United States, Hat Gemäß § 43 ABS. 1 WPHG AM 26.02.2025 Im Zusammenhang Mit der überschreitung Bzw. Erreichung der 10%-schwelle Oder Einer Höherren Schwelle will 21.02.2025 über folgendes information:

Regarding Section 43 of the Law on transactions on securities (WPHG) on the notification requirements applicable to Blackrock in MTU ENGINE AG, please find below the answer from us, Blackrock, Inc. And our branches (together called “Notification of Notification of Parties”):

  • Blackrock International Holdings, Inc.

The passing of the thresholds does not result from the acquisitions by the notified parties, but from the duties of the investment managers and counselors who qualify as subsidiaries of at least one of the notified parties and to which the voting rights are assigned.
Regarding the objectives underlying the purchase of voting rights, we, the notified parties, we announce that:

  1. Investments are aimed at implementing strategic goals and generating a trading profit. This results from the notification of the general intention of the parties to obtain maximum yields for BlackRock customers both in the short and long term.
  2. We plan to acquire other voting rights in the next twelve months through a purchase or any other means. Because our intention is to get maximum yields for Blackrock customers and therefore we can sell actions.
  3. We intend to exert an influence on the appointment or removal of the members of the administrative, administration and supervisory bodies of the issuer. We will continue to exercise the right to vote at the Annual General Assembly of the Company and any special General Assembly should be called in the interest of our customers.
  4. We do not intend to obtain a material modification of the company’s capital structure, especially in terms of the ratio between own funds and external funds and dividend policy. However, we could vote for such topics in the same way as we proposed in no. 3.

As regards the origin of the funds used, we, the notified parts, we announce this: Customer funds have been used to finance the purchase of voting rights.

26.02.2025 CET/CEST DIE EQS DISTRIBUTIONS OF SERIVICS UMFASSEN GESETZLICHE MELPFLLichten, Corporate News/Finanznachrichten und presemitteilungen.
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