
The SC parliamentarians, lawyers are aware of the cancer policy for “suits and day of sneakers”

The SC parliamentarians, lawyers are aware of the cancer policy for “suits and day of sneakers”

Colombia, SC (WIS) – parliamentarians, lawyers, cancer survivors and other southern Carlinians match their sneakers on Wednesday morning to plead for cancer policy in Palmetto.

The annual South Carolina Cancer Action Day, usually called “Suits and Sneakers Day”, involves parliamentarians, personal, lobbyists and others who put a pair of sneakers to show support for the American Cancer Society (ACS).

The day of costumes and sneakers starts at 8 in the morning with a breakfast at the House Office, followed by a state -of -the -state press conference in South Carolina, at 10:30

The day ends with the volunteers recognized in the rooms of the house from 11 in the morning to noon.

ACS said that more than 100 cancer survivors, patients, caregivers and other lawyers intend to ask the parliamentarians to move on several political objectives.

These include increasing access to Heathcare by expanding Medicaid, allocation of $ 5 million in a settlement with the E-Tigules Company to tobacco prevention programs and the adoption of a law that requires health insurance to provide a diagnostic and additional breast examination without cost sharing requirements.

The new information from ACS suggests that about 35,000 southern Carlinians will be diagnosed with cancer in 2025, and over 11,000 people will die from the disease.

The organization said that the suggestions of the volunteer policy will help save life.

This story develops. Check here for updates.

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