
Traveler arrested for shop theft to Changi Airport upon returning to Singapore

Traveler arrested for shop theft to Changi Airport upon returning to Singapore

Singapore: A 56-year-old woman was arrested for her involvement assumption in a case of store theft at Changi Airport on return to Singapore on February 17th.

The police were warned for the first time on January 7, after an employee from a retail store in the terminal transit area 4 discovered that a $ 716 bag was missing from the display shelf.

Supervisory filming revealed that the suspect, a Chinese national, entered the store and placed the bag on the luggage trolley before leaving the space without paying.

The identity of the woman was established later, the police said, but she has already removed from Singapore.

She returned to Singapore more than a month later on February 17 and was promptly arrested on Changi Airport.

The police said that it will be charged on Thursday (February 27) in court with the crime of theft in the house. If found guilty, it could be closed up to seven or fined or both.

The Deputy Commissioner of the M Malathi Police, who is the commander of the Airport Police Division, said: “The police have a serious view of theft cases.

“This case has reiterated our point that, with a more widespread adoption of closed circuit television technology by retailers, the theft cases in the store could have passed unobserved at the time of the incident.”

A similar case took place in January, in which an Indian male national would have stolen an article from a store in the transit area of ​​Terminal 2 before climbing its flight. He was arrested when he returned to Singapore a few days later. – The Straits Times/Ann