
Bill Texas could save billions by taking food as a medicine by medication

Bill Texas could save billions by taking food as a medicine by medication

San Antonio – a draft law was submitted in the state, regarding food as a medicine.

Tyler Dahl works as a volunteer packing food at San Antonio Food Bank. Once, he was the one who needed it.

The Republican representative of Texas, Tom Oliversson, East Texas, introduced Bill 2946 House.

If it passes – it would allow the Medicaid refund to cover the nutrition assistance services.

This means that the food bank may not only pack food for families in need, but also for those who are prescribed.

Eric Cooper, president and CEO of San Antonio Food Bank says doctors know that there are only so many medical assistants.

Cooper says this food would be paid by Medicaid.

Cooper says the population of San Antonio could benefit from this, because the city is high in obesity rates, and the bill could save billions if they could reduce diseases such as diabetes.

Right now, it’s just a bill.

First must be passed by the Texas’s room and Senate before going to the governor’s office for approval