
Bill Cosby Ogles Sofia Vergara in a frightening interview: “You make me feel young again”

Bill Cosby Ogles Sofia Vergara in a frightening interview: “You make me feel young again”

A Clip refused of Bill Cosby flirts open with Sofia Vergara on Show late with David Letterman In 2003, he again makes rounds in the light of Cosby’s aggravated condemnation.

In the clip, Cosby makes more comments about Vergara’s appearance, even going so far as to say, “Men look at you and think only of sin.” The interview then marked the first appearance of Vergara, 30 years old, on American television to promote his film, Chassing Papisix years before becoming a household name with its Emmy winning role The modern family.

The reappeared video shows Vergara smiling as Cosby again comment on her appearance and outfit. “Now what you have this evening is wonderful. This is wonderful, ”he says. “And when you went out, many people became attention.”

Later, he bends over and tells the growing television star: “You make me feel young again. You make me feel very excited. “

Vergara smiles dearly as he speaks, before telling the comedian: “But don’t die, please.” The two shared a laugh for her observation.

Sofia Vergara Bill Cosby in the late show with David Letterman
Photo: CBS/Inside edition

At another moment of the interview, Cosby begins to rotate his R to Vergara, who comments playful: “It’s too sexy, I’m leaving.”

The interview reappeared has a different light as Cosby family Star executed three of the punishment of three to 10 years that was handed in 2015 for the drug and aggression of Andrea Costand in 2004. His conviction of sexual assault was overthrow in Pennsylvania and was released from prison in early 2021.

Over 50 women presented themselves by accusing the legend of the comedy of drugs and their aggression.

In 2024, it was reported that the 87 -year -old comedian works on a memory to “establish the right record”.

Most recently, a Las Vegas judge permissive 10 women who will go further with a process of sexual aggression against Cosby, after the status of limitations for civil demands by the survivors of sexual violence has been raised.

If you or someone you know you must address sexual abuse or aggression, Rainn is available 24/7 to 800-656-Hope (4673) or online at