
It seems that Infosys clarified in case of availability, Nites slams Karnataka Govt

It seems that Infosys clarified in case of availability, Nites slams Karnataka Govt

It is assumed that the Karnataka Labor Department has given a clean infosys giant tech in the recent case of mass availability, arousing out of the Nascent Technology Technology Senate (NITES). Nearly 400 trainee employees were ceased from the Infosys Mysuru training unit on February 7, which determined Nites, an organization that works for the welfare of IT employees, to file a complaint with the Ministry of Labor and employment. In response, the ministry directed the Labor Department of Karnataka to investigate the problem.

However, according to a The times of IndiaThe Labor Department ended its probe and did not find legal violations by Infosys. “We did not find any violation of the laws of work in our inspection in Infosys. First of all, there was no relationship employed. They were not even given appointment letters to be considered employees. They were trainees for three months, who were paid by the stipes and were part of the apprenticeship program ”, said an official.

However, Nites strongly condemned the management by the Labor Department, criticizing the lack of communication with the plaintiffs before closing the investigation. In a statement issued on February 28, Nites called the actions of the “Shocking” and “Unacceptable” department.

“As an official applicant representing hundreds of affected employees, it is shocking and unacceptable that the department has chosen to communicate the result of the investigation to the media, without offering any official update to the applicants. This flagrant disregard for the applicants’ right to information, puts into serious doubt the transparency, impartiality and integrity of the entire investigation process ”, the statement states.

Nites questioned the integrity of the investigation, arguing that the selective disclosure of the findings to the media without prior consultation or notification to the plaintiffs raises serious concerns about fairness and impartiality.

“This conduct shows not only administrative prejudices, but it also creates an impression that the department acts under external influence, rather than to support the principles of justice,” said Nites.

The organization accused the Labor Department of having failed to protect the rights of employees, claiming that it seems to protect infosys, rather than to provide justice for affected workers.

“The department seems more invested in protecting corporate interests to the detriment of vulnerable workers. This flagrant deviation of the debt not only erodes public confidence in the institution, but also encourages corporations to continue to exploit employees with impunity, ”added Nites.

The request for liability, Nites requested a written explanation about why the applicants were not informed about the conclusions of the investigation before being made public. In addition, the organization has requested access to the full investigation report, including all supporting documents, such as infosys presentations and the conclusions of the Labor Department.

Nites also insisted that the applicants are offered the opportunity to compete before any final decision is formally communicated, emphasizing the need for a correct and transparent process.