
Should you send the animants to the third born or to paradise in lawyers?

Should you send the animants to the third born or to paradise in lawyers?

Deciding whether it has animants of emerald stairs Move to the third born or in paradise in Declared It seems like a choice with a major result during the search for the “ancient soil”, but this is only halfway.

The result is influential – although you never have the chance to see it until later. Unlike most DeclaredThe important choices, this is independent of any other decision in the game, so you do not have to prepare over multiple results.

This Declared Guide explains What happens if you send the animants to paradise or the third born during the “ancient soil” and when you find out the consequences.

(Ed. Note: This guide contains spoilers for Declared.)

Should you send the animants to the third born or to paradise in lawyers?

Making this choice is mandatory and there is no way to miss. Governor Vidarro and Pere quilicci forces you to make a choice After the main search “ancient soil”When Fior Mes Ivèrno is either in ruins or just hanging.

Despite how urgent the choice seems when Vidarro and Quilicci asks for your contribution, Your decision has no visible branches until Declaredconclusion. You could hear a few dialogues about the result in the third born or in paradise, and Yatzli mentions their fear for Quilicci’s life if the animals are in the third born when you decide what to do with the ruins of Shatterscarp’s main search.

However, actually you are never see The animants of Paradise or the third born and you cannot talk to them about their new house.

Note that the result of this choice is the same, whether you have managed to save Fior Mes Icerno at the end of the main search of Emerald Stair. No matter what happens, the animants have to leave the city. There are no achievements or rewards related to any result, so that you lose or earn nothing based on your choice. Choose any result that you think is the best.

Below, we have broken down the narrative results of DeclaredThe third born or paradise.

If you choose the third born in the “ancient land”

Get a special illustration during the end and find out that the animals have falsified a strong connection with the people of Thirdborn, finding a common ground in the adversity of life in Shatterscarp.

If you choose paradise in the “ancient soil”

Get a special illustration during the end and find out that the animals were facing challenges at the first arrival in Paradise, where the Aedirans treated them with hostility and suspicion. However, the knowledge of animations about agriculture and agriculture helped them create a space for them in the region and have soaked the attitudes towards them.