
The Triple Crime Crime in Berkeley County ends in Mistrial

The Triple Crime Crime in Berkeley County ends in Mistrial

Berkeley County, SC (WCSC) -a 2020 shooting in Goose Creek who left three dead is not yet a closed case after the testimony days ended in a myth.

Robert Mayes is accused of five charges of armed robbery, three charges of armed robbery and three charges of murder. Crimean crimes happened on July 3, 2020 in Goose Creek, at three addresses in the Mobile Sunrise Mobile Park.

Throughout the week Of the court, the victims testified, but none emphasized and identified Mayes as their attacker. The surveillance video in the area shows two figures approaching and running a utility vehicle while holding weapons. Another video shows a firing car to the crime scene and a figure shaded by fire.

Defense says with No DNA evidence of Mayes on the spotThe video too unclear to identify the figures and no crime weapon has ever recovered, nothing puts Mayes on the spot, in addition to the assumed complicit testimony.

The state presented it on the alleged accomplice, Jaabari Ferguson, as a witness. Ferguson confessed that he participated in the armed robberies and drove the car with Mayes that night, but it was the one who fired the weapon. Ferguson told the Mayes court to know where to go and how to successfully robbed people.

“I thought he would rob them. I didn’t know he would kill them, “Ferguson told the stand.

Ferguson is facing the same accusations in his own case. The defense claimed that Ferguson is not a trusted witness and lied to the police before, so he should not trust.

The state provided data on the location of the phone on Ferguson’s phone in the crime area, but never found Mayes’s phone. Ferguson’s telephone records have shown a message to and from a contact called “Fuli”. The jury has heard prison calls if the state claims it sounds like Mayes says “Fuli” is his street name for a friend.

In another call of prison, Mayes talks to a family member and says he was in the car that night, but he was just a walk and sleeping until he woke up at the shot of the shot.

After about four hours of deliberation, the jury told the judge that I was at a deadlock and could not agree on any of the charges.

Judge Roger Young issued for the first time the jury an accusation of Allen, where he asked the members to take into account the each other’s evidence and opinions and sent him back into deliberations. The twelve members returned shortly after repeating that they could not agree.

“I will have to declare a myistial in this regard and set it and try it again another day,” Young said.

Throughout the process, several members of Hayes’s family sat behind him in the courtroom. Hayes consulted a prayer book and made the cross sign towards the end of the trial. During a long break in court, Mayes filled dozens of legal pages with notes and doodles.

The victims of the robberies who testified did not participate in the trial, apart from their time on the stand. No apparent family or friends of crime victims participated in the trial. The victims of the crime are identified as Salvador Dominguez, Jose “Luis” Padilla and Acacio Carro.

Mayes was 16 years old at the time of crimes and was under house arrest for about two years in Sumter. He will continue to be under arrest at home with monitoring, while this case is preparing to return to the trial.