
Formerly closed train manager for adolescent sexual assault after ticket check

Formerly closed train manager for adolescent sexual assault after ticket check

A former train manager was closed for the sexual assault of an 18-year-old woman, after asking to check her ticket.

Nicholas McMurray, 38, worked as a Great Western Railway (GWR) train manager when she asked to see the ticket and adjusted the woman’s dress, the British transport police said.

She had talked about her phone in the vestibule when McMurray was close and sexually assaulted her on the evening of June 22 last year, shortly before the Cardiff train arrived in Swansea, the force said.

BTP added: “He continued to keep the victim until the train fired and made explicit sexual comments before touching it again as he got off the train.”

The woman, who cannot be appointed for legal reasons, reported the incident of the officers at the station.

Police said McMurray was standing near the stationary train when it was arrested.

Constanta detective Farrell said: “When he was arrested, McMurray lied to the officers who say the victim had tried to kiss him and he pushed it.

“His lies continued in the interview, while he claimed that the victim had agreed to his actions.”

The force added that McMurray was “immediately removed from work as a train manager for GWR” and no longer works there.

BTP said he was found guilty of sexual assault and aggression by penetrating at Swansea Crown Court on February 5th.

On Friday, he was sentenced to seven years in prison and put in the register of sex criminals for life, he added.

Det con Farrell said: “McMurray completely abused his position and took advantage of this young woman.

“I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to thank the victim for her courage and courage throughout the police investigation.

“McMurray will have to spend a period of time to reflect on the actions he has taken on that day.”