
Hair lifting moment Burglary Police Police suspects off the road after terribly 90 km / h chase by busy morning traffic

Hair lifting moment Burglary Police Police suspects off the road after terribly 90 km / h chase by busy morning traffic

This is the moment of hair growth, the police beat the suspects of theft on the road, ending their terrible 90 km / h, through the busy morning traffic.

Filming from Dashcam from Greater Manchester (GMP) police show a black Ford that weaves in traffic and leaving traffic at high speeds around a busy stockport.

A burglary in the area was initially reported to the police on Thursday night, with officers from the tactical vehicle interception unit (TVIU), who noticed a vehicle that matched with the description given by the investigative officers yesterday morning.

While the officers approached the car, it has dropped at high speeds, the TVIU officers who engage in a pursuit.

Following a pursuit by morning traffic, the suspects were finally caught when the officers threw the vehicle, while they tried to return the A34.

The two officers involved in bringing the getaway vehicle to the stop suffered minor wounds, without other reported wounds.

Also, a car was performed in the car in which the officers discovered handles, Balaclavas and gloves. GMP believes that these articles have been used to commit other robberies in the area.

OBD readers, cannabis and alternative registration boards have also been found in the vehicle.

Hair lifting moment Burglary Police Police suspects off the road after terribly 90 km / h chase by busy morning traffic

Dashcam Movies show Greater Manchester police watching the Ford Ford Ford through hasty time traffic

The vehicle, which has been tied to a previous anger, can be seen trying to drive on the wrong side of A34

The vehicle, which has been tied to a previous anger, can be seen trying to drive on the wrong side of A34

Specially trained officers are then seen bringing the car to a tactical stop

Specially trained officers are then seen bringing the car to a tactical stop

A suspect, 18 years old, was arrested under the suspicion of burglary, which was equipped to steal, the possession of controlled drugs, dangerous driving, failing to stop for the police and remind him of prison.

The second suspect, a 15-year-old boy, was arrested under the suspicion of burglary, which was equipped to steal and holding controlled drugs.

Speaking with the incident, the inspector Danny Kabal from the Tactical vehicle interception unit of the GMP said: “Together with the officers of the Stockport neighborhood, we were able to implement our tactical vehicle interception unit to hunt a vehicle that was stolen last night.

“Once the officers saw the stolen suspect Ford Fiesta, the driver decided to leave with high speeds in trying to evade the capture.

“During the pursuit, there was a total disregard for the life of the innocent members of the public, while the driver tried to transform the vehicle the A34 bypass.

“After seeing this risk, specially trained officers reacted quickly and did not hesitate to endanger the public, they were able to tactically stop the vehicle before arresting the driver and passenger of the vehicle.

“Fortunately, no member of the public was injured, but without the actions with the rapid thinking of the officers, this could have ended very differently.

“I would like to use this as an opportunity to warn those individuals who think they can lead in a dangerous and irresponsible way, that we will use all the resources available to stop and arrest.

“Two of our officers today suffered minor wounds, which emphasizes that danger officers are placed every day, to protect the public from reckless actions like this.

“We want to thank the public for the support and patience granted, because the road has been closed for a short period of time.”

A suspect in a separate theft tried to evade police driving on an alley

A suspect in a separate theft tried to evade police driving on an alley

The stolen Cupa driver became blocked on the alley while his accomplices fled the scene

The stolen Cupa driver became blocked on the alley while his accomplices fled the scene

The Greater Manchester police detained the 19 -year -old driver, arresting him under the suspicion of theft and theft of a motor vehicle

The Greater Manchester police detained the 19 -year -old driver, arresting him under the suspicion of theft and theft of a motor vehicle

In a separate incident in the early hours of Thursday morning, Greater Manchester police responded to another theft call.

The officers had been aware of a Cup Request who was stolen from Emmerdale Road from Middleton and, shortly afterwards, came across the vehicle in question.

In a chaotic pursuit, the young driver of the stolen car was caught after trying to tighten the vehicle on a narrow alley before blocking.

The 19 -year -old man was left in the vehicle, while his accomplices made his getaway.

The participating officers were immediately arrested under the suspicion of theft and theft of a vehicle.

Miraculously, the stolen vehicle suffered only minor damages and was returned to its owner later that morning.

Greater Manchester police said the investigations remain in progress in their attempts to follow the second suspect.

Anyone who has information on suspects and other potential incidents is asked to call GMP, calling 101 and citing incident 296 of 27/02/2025.