
“We know what our pub do, but we will let other people make these claims.”

“We know what our pub do, but we will let other people make these claims.”

Is one of Liverpool’s favorite pubs and celebrates a special birthday this year

Anna Slater, the owner of the grapes on Roscoe Street, Liverpool
Anna Slater, the owner of the grapes on Roscoe Street, Liverpool(Image: Colin Lane/Liverpool Echo)

Anna Slater knows she doesn’t have to shout about her pub – other people do this for her. Anna is co -owner of grapes, found at the corner of Roscoe Street and Knight Street in Liverpool City Center Georgia’s neighborhood.

Incredibly popular place It is not that Most pubs. It is more than slightly bohemian, attracting drinkers from all points of life on its unconventional site – a compact invitative space consisting of bright walls, reconstituted church ticks, charming furniture and few ornate and historical touches.

He is always wrapped at the deer at the weekend, the drinkers shed on the “Roscoe Street Rainforest” sidewalk to have a painting among the plants. Anna, who has worked at the pub since 2003 and has held her since 2012, believes that the key to grape success is that the pub knows exactly what it is.

The 58 -year -old from Liverpool 8 said ECHO: “I always said that we only accept that we are just a street corner pub, we have no claims. We are not trying to say that we serve the best guinness – but we don’t continue to continue the beatles Drinking in the pub – but they did it.

“We leave other people to make all these statements, we believe that we serve quality drinks at reasonable prices in an attractive environment, with good music, friendly and polite. What can you say?

“We try to keep the toilets clean and try to serve a decent drink. We know what we are. We are not a bar or cafe we ​​are a pub.

Despite this fact, the live jazz nights from Grapes are probably what is the best known. They are always incredibly busy – the people in the door in the door to enter, but Anna explained that she has taken a gambling more than two decades ago to present them.

She said, “I think the main thing that set us up was jazz. When we put the jazz, it was only in Liverpool jazz in Liverpool, we tried to convince the jazz musicians to make a jazz on a Sunday.

“22 years ago, Jazz was dead in Liverpool and we were absolutely passionate that if we finally put it. They will come. It is one of the most successful nights. It is consistent – a 22 -year -old jazz night.

“It is a bit bizarre in places and it will remain that way”

Anna bought and drove the pub with her regretted husband Paul, who died in 2019. Paul’s children have taken over his share of the business and remains a family pub.

Looking back to her mandate at grapes, Anna said: “I’m there since 2003. We opened on February 20, 2003. Paul and I worked for a few years in brewer on Berry Streetwho was legendary on his own and Paul was the manager there. I was the head of the bar staff for seven and a half.

“We went to work abroad for a while, we returned and saw that this is in rent, so we jumped to it. In fact, it would be embarked and probably shot down, so you had to ask us to give us an opportunity to put it into operation and to prove that it could be a viable business.

“In 2016 I built an extension over the old beer garden, mostly because it was the only way I could provide funds to renovate the old building – he needed the fact that he dropped. The only way the banks will support us in the loan of any renovation money was to increase the capacity – more Bums on the chairs means a higher income.

“The roof we have now is ok – it’s not the old The beer gardenbut it is what it is. We have the “tropical forest” on the street, this was Paul’s absolute passion with plants. “

Anna understands that grape aesthetics is central to her charm. She believes that the way she developed organically during her rudder and developed the atmosphere and meant that she was always very popular.

Grapes on Roscoe Street, Liverpool
Grapes on Roscoe Street, Liverpool(Image: Colin Lane/Liverpool Echo)

She explained: “She always felt a little bohemian. Many people get into business and I think they need a refurbishment of 29,000 pounds and a certain equipment – I didn’t have that. I was on Dole.

“I begged, stole and borrowed what I could. None of the meals were suitable and none of the chairs were suitable.

“The colors of the paint were what we could get cheap, I never came up with a design plan because I had no money. I think there is a great value for it, because it grew organically. It is a bit bizarre in places and it will remain.

The grapes were closed this week for some touch renovations. They came in an important year, as part of the pub turns 250 in 2025.

Anna explained: “Our pub is made up of four original old buildings. The Knight Street part consists of 35 and 37 Knight Street, built by John and James Knight in 1775, which means half of our pub He is 250 years old this year.

“I think it is incredible, we will make public a little. We are 250 years old under our belts. Joking, she added: “I feel I was here 250 years.”

Grapes are found at 60 Roscoe ST, Liverpool L1 9DW