
Demolition of the property of alleged drugs of drugs in Punjab

Demolition of the property of alleged drugs of drugs in Punjab

A litigation of public interest (Pil) was submitted today to the High Court Punjab and Honyana, requesting the implementation Orientations issued by the Supreme CourtFollowing the demolition driver reported by Punjabului Drug Peddler Police Police.

Conformable Indian Express report Published on February 28, Punjab Police made the properties of alleged drug providers in their last extent against drugs. On Tuesday, Ludhiana City police said it has demolished illegal constructions related to two drug ambulances and identified 78 such properties that will be raised.

Last year, in November, sending a strong message against the tendency “Bulldozer Justice”, the Supreme Court KEPT that the executive cannot demolish the houses/properties of the persons only because they are accused or convicted in a crime.

“The executive cannot declare a guilty person, as this process is the fundamental aspect of judicial control. Only on the basis of the accusations, if the executive demolishes the property/properties of such an accused person, without following the appropriate law process, it would strike to the basic principle of the rule of law and is not allowed.

The plea filed by lawyer Kanwar Pahul Singh also requested immediate instructions, ensuring strict implementation of the appropriate procedure provided for the confiscation of illegally acquired properties in accordance with the NDPS law, section 107 of the NBSS, 2023 provided for “attachment, confrontation and recovery” Implementation of section 19 (A) (C) A (the income of the crime) curved the “threat of drugs” that predominate in the state of Punjab and still to save themselves from the contempt procedures.

The newspaper reports were cited in the petition, which said that Punjab Police demolished houses with alleged drug pedals on the grounds that the property was purchased from drug trade.

“The police also claimed that they have identified 78 several drug ambulances soon in Ludhiana. It is still said that they have already attached properties worth Rs. 94 crores associated with 112 smugglers,” he added.

Pleadoaria further argued that, “the NDPS law is a complete code per above. “

Title: People Welfare Society v. State of Punjab and others