
Girl Scouts pushing again the statement that cookies have uncertain levels of weed illucination

Girl Scouts pushing again the statement that cookies have uncertain levels of weed illucination

Many are looking forward to the season of Girl Scout cookies, intending to supply with boxes of their favorite pies to stay at the freezer throughout the year. Now they are also bombarded with online statements, cookies are not just tasty, they are also toxic.

“Girl Scout cookies are safe to consume,” is the unequivocal answer from the Girl Scouts from Wyoming and Montana.

The regional branch of the national organization involves 7,000 girls scouts and over 2,800 volunteers from the two states. Anyone who is involved in the Girl Scouts of America wins a crisis management badge against a wave of concerns raised by an online awareness campaign on Girl Scout cookies that claim that delicious popular delicious are affected and toxic.

A recent study by mothers in America tested 13 types of cookies for girls, collected from three states – California, Iowa and Louisiana. The study found that all cookies contained traces of glyphosate, the chemical causing cancer in the criminal with rounded weeds.

Girl Scouts of America and its regional branches are now performing an offensive of public relations before starting cookies this month.

“Our position is not different from the national organization,” wrote Briana Rickman, the director of public relations and development for Wyoming and Montana, in one E -mail to Cowboy State Daily. “I can also assure consumers in Wyoming that scouting cakes are very sure to eat.”

Not only are they delicious, but they support girls scouts in the two states for their activities and travel throughout the year, she said.

With about 200 million boxes sold each season, it is an annual $ 800 million business.

“These are national numbers, and Gsusa does not make income from the Cookie program. All receipts remain local in each of the 111 councils throughout the country, ”wrote Rickman.

Cookie sales learn Girl Scouts about anything, from setting goals to business ethics, Rickman continued.

“Danger in the dough”

The beginning of the Girl Scout cookies season in January usually comes with a news cover that feels good. However, this year, the MAA group collapsed the annual launch of Girl Scouts cookies.

At the end of December, the MAA launched the report “Danger in the Dough” and wins an online audience as Girl Scouts are preparing to set up a store in front of food stores and other strategic foot traffic locations.

In Montana and Wyoming, Girl Scouts will sell cookies in person from March 21 to April 13th.

“The Girl Scout cookies are made with ingredients that meet the food safety standards set by the Food and Drug Administration and other relevant authorities,” says Girl Scouts of America in his detailed campaign to eliminate the “Dough Dough” report.

Girl Scouts offers the FDA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ensures that glyphosate is safe to consume up to a certain level, turning this collision on cookies into a conversation about if it is time to use products containing glyphosate.

  • Zen Honeycutt, founding executive director of mothers in America.
    Zen Honeycutt, founding executive director of mothers in America. (Mothers from America)
  • Girl Scout Cookie The season is over us, but this year these iconic boxes of sweets are at the center of a debate on exposure to chemical glyphosate.
    Girl Scout Cookie The season is over us, but this year these iconic boxes of sweets are at the center of a debate on exposure to chemical glyphosate. (Girl Scouts of the US)
  • American mothers said his report
    American mothers said his report “Danger in the Sough” analyzed the test that included samples of 13 different types of cookies for girls, collected from three states: California, Iowa and Louisiana. A total of 25 cake samples were tested for the presence of glyphosate and, according to the report, 100% contained traces of glyphosate. (Girl Scouts of the US)
  • Emma McCarroll sells cakes for girls Scout around Pinedale, Wyoming. City officials report that they have received ugly and threatening answers to a story about McCarroll's mother was quoted and fined over $ 400 for the sale of cookies where it should not have been.
    Emma McCarroll sells cakes for girls Scout around Pinedale, Wyoming. City officials report that they have received ugly and threatening answers to a story about McCarroll’s mother was quoted and fined over $ 400 for the sale of cookies where it should not have been. (Courtesy photos)
  • Emma McCarroll, a 13-year-old girl, right, and her mother, Erica Fairbanks McCarroll, entered hot water with pinedals for selling cakes for Scout girls along the main arteries of the city, Pine Avenue.
    Emma McCarroll, a 13-year-old girl, right, and her mother, Erica Fairbanks McCarroll, entered hot water with pinedals for selling cakes for Scout girls along the main arteries of the city, Pine Avenue. (Pat Maio, Cowboy State Daily)

Joe Rogan’s effect

The annual operating expenses for Girl Scouts of America are about $ 135 million, according to GSUSA’s own reports.

The annual operating budget for mothers in America is $ 250,000. MAA and its non -profit Goscience partner are tiny by comparison.

Their recent report “danger in dough” follows the previous tests and studies performed on tap water, breast milk and school lunches. These efforts of the last 12 years have generated some strong online reactions.

But now MAA receives traction with its call for the regulation of glyphosate, because the research of the group-which is not reviewed or published in an academic-high-profile journal on a high profile, including through the popular “Joe Rogan Experience”.

“Holy shit! I am f *** ing toxic as f ***! The thin minds being the worst criminals, ”Rogan said during his episode of February 24. “Five flavors of cakes for girls Scout contained levels of glyphosate and heavy metals above the EPA water safety limits (Environmental Protection Agency).”

Girl Scouts of America Response was quick and detailed.

In addition to the fact that he has taken a actual slate that checks the counteracting points, other podcasters joined the debut effort.

“A 66-kilograms child should consume about 9,000 cookies daily to approach the chronic reference dose of the EPA,” Dr. Jessica B. Steier, host “Unpartless science“Podcast said Debunking site snopes.

Forbes magazine reported February 26, “a small number of samples tested does not always indicate a large-scale contamination, and some studies make false comparisons-such as applying standards for water safety, rather than for food safety approved by FDA-which can make the results more alarming.”

The MAA report is not the first time that cookie sales for girls were targeted in a way. At a more local level, a pinedale girls scout, Wyoming, made national news last year, when the city fined -more than $ 400 for Selling cookies on his grandmother’s alley.

What is the big deal with the glyphosate?

From her small ecological farm outside Asheville, North Carolina, Zen Honeycutt supervises the media for mothers in America. He is the founding executive director of the MAA and is a former feta scout.

“I would say that the initial intention was for girls to learn how to bake cookies and sell them, to be entrepreneurial, to learn a new task,” Honeycutt told Cowboy State Daily in a telephone interview. “It was not just to sell an extremely processed cookie box made by a part of a corporation that makes hundreds of millions of dollars.”

Two major industrial bakeries, ABC bakeries in Virginia and Little Brownie bakers in Kentucky, provide the world Girl Scout cakes.

Honeycutt dreams of a day when Girl Scouts sell ecological homemade cakes during the annual cake season.

“Learn how to bake cakes with their mothers and grandparents and aunts or anyone else in their family who wants to bake cakes with organic ingredients,” Honeycutt added. “And you sell these cookies instead. Educate the public about organic benefits. “

Joe Rogan, said Honeycutt, is not the first personality with a high profile to pay attention to her group’s activity.

“Bobby Kennedy mentioned that some of the why they sued Monsanto was because I found Glifosat in breast milk,” said Honeycutt, linking her group to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the new secretary of the Trump Health and Human Services (HHS), which supervises the FDA.

“He was our counselor for seven years, so he was a supporter,” said Honeycutt, who insisted RFK Jr. did not help the current “Danger in the Dough” campaign against Glifosat.

“He was like trying to get into the HHS and confirmation was happening, so I didn’t talk about it at all,” Honeycutt said. “But he is a huge supporter to remove the toxins from our food supply.”

Glifosate affects the American food system, said Honeycutt, because it is used as herbicide on a wide variety of food crops. She also said that the Girl Scout cookies are not unique-any cookies bought from the non-organic store comes with a dose of glyphosate.

Disputes on exposure to glyphosate by the popular weed killer rounding continues to mount.

According to the company, the Torhoman law, about 80% of the more than 100,000 rounded processes were resolved. Mega The Bayer multinational company owns the Roundup brand and, according to lawyers targeting Bayer for future processes, the company requests the state legislation to obtain legal immunity from Roundup cancer applications, claiming that it has complied with EPA regulations.

This is a high point by Girl Scouts of America.

“Glifosate is widely used in agriculture in accordance with the consecrated EPA standards and is almost everywhere in the food chain,” says a recent online information from Girl Scouts of America. “The traces of glyphosate can be found in fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, ripe products and other food and drinks.”

Meanwhile, an army of girls scouts in Wyoming and Montana are preparing to spend a large part of their free time, which deals with cookies at local stores in their communities.

David Madison can be contacted at [email protected].