
What does Travis’s drawing mean in Yellowjackes season 3 episode 4? Explored speculation

What does Travis’s drawing mean in Yellowjackes season 3 episode 4? Explored speculation

Showtime came back with Yellow jackets Season 3, raising immediately after the intense drama of survival of season 2. As seen in the previous chapter, young survivors have endured a brutal and unforgiving winter, and now it is time to face the consequences of their struggle.

While the show advanced Yellow jackets Season 3, peace remains at hand. Instead, tensions and distrust between the group continues to grow. Meanwhile, at present, adult survivors strive to keep their long-term secret exposure.

This season is full of bigger stakes, new threats and deeper mysteries – both in the past and now – and the last episode is no exception. After watching the drama, many are allowed to ask: What exactly does Travis drawing in Yellowjackes 3 mean, episode 4?

If you have sought answers, Travis’s drawing in the last episode is probably a major indication of coach Ben. As seen in the episode, the drawing depicts a man lying on his back, while three women are under him.

The drawing appears just before the end of the episode, and when asked about its meaning or the figures it represents, Travis simply says: “it is the result.” The scene is then cut now, where Adult Misty tries to decipher empty paper before navigating the detective citizen’s office – just to discover Lottie’s dead body.

Continue to read to sink deeper into the episode and possible fate of Ben.

Yellow jackets Season 3 Episode 4: What does Travis Drawing mean

Travis's drawing in Yellowjackes Season 3 (Image source: Showtime)Travis's drawing in Yellowjackes Season 3 (Image source: Showtime)
Travis’s drawing in Yellowjackes Season 3 (Image source: Showtime)

The fourth episode of Yellow jackets Season 3 offered a drama with great stake, restless psychological moments and a shocking death. However, one of the greatest mysteries is Travis’s cryptic drawing, which it leaves largely unexplained.

The only thing Travis says is that it is a result. While nothing is confirmed, the drawing strongly suggests a connection with coach Ben. In particular, Ben was found guilty in the girls’ process and, if Travis’s last sketch provides for fate. The girls could kill him and eat it -just as they did with Javi.

However, a coach Ben theory Reddit Suggest a different result: while Ben could die, the girls might not get to eat it. A user named @East_drive7059 wrote:

“I know that many of this under believe that Ben will die this season, most likely in the hands of the girls. However, if instead of killing him, what happens if he would get him out of his mess? What if Ben gets sick? Rabies, infection, etc …”

This theory introduces an unexpected, but intriguing possibility – if Ben contracts an infectious disease like rabia, girls may not want to consume it.

However another Reddit user @Plates_25, The speculation that with the proximity of spring, the girls could not kill Ben, but to keep him prisoner. If this theory holds, Nat, Travis and, possibly, others may try to help him escape. Given that Travis’s drawing seems to suggest Ben’s fate, it is expected to play a significant role in what happens to the coach Yellow jackets Season 3.

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