
Dad didn’t get to see men who have broken his son’s life face justice

Dad didn’t get to see men who have broken his son’s life face justice

The 20-year-old still “fight for life” after trying to stop Mason Mclean, Dylan Tollitt and Leroy Agatha to steal his motorcycle

Mcl Mclean
Mcl Mclean(Image: Merseyside police)

A father has been absent from the court, while the man who broke his son’s life was confronted with justice for a heartbreaking reason. Cole Moore was thrown from behind a utility vehicle on the road, while trying to stop Mason, Dylan Tollitt and Leroy Agatha to steal his motorcycle outside his house.

The 20 -year -old suffered devastating injuries as a result of the incident and remains receptive in the hospital more than six months later, after suffering 14 brain operations. He is still “fighting for his life” to this day and now he is “unable to undertake the most basic human functions.”

Liverpool Crown Court Listen yesterday after -which on Friday that McClean, Tollitt and Agatha traveled from Liverpool to Southport On the evening of July 19 last year, in a white Peugeot Boxer utility vehicle, being seen for the first time on CCTV outside Mr. Moore’s house, shortly after 7.45. Later, they were seen to pass several times on the address before entering the alley around 20.20 PM.

Megan Cox, in criminal prosecution, described how the defendants placed the motorcycle, evaluated at 8,000 pounds, behind the utility vehicle before the victim was aware of theft and tried to intervene. This caused him to fall from behind the vehicle, the defendants leaving the doors open after they left “in a hurry” as he turned to Leyland Road.

Mr. Moore was said to have suffered a “catastrophic” brain injury in this process, leaving him unable to communicate or eat and “barely” to drink. He stays in the hospital so far and requires “care in the world”.

Dylan Tollitt
Dylan Tollitt(Image: Merseyside police)

The mechanic underwent a cerebral surgery 14 times during the period, with OA 15 -a operation currently scheduled for the next months. These procedures have included a craniectomy, in which part of the skull, which has been fractured in several places, is removed to calm the pressure on the brain.

Mr. Moore also suffered a broken neck and perforated lung. In a statement that was read to the court on his behalf, his father Andrew Moore said: “Despite the multiple surgery, he remains unable to perform basic tasks.

“Cole was at the beginning of his adult life. He qualified as a mechanic and had a successful interview with Mercedes, his dream employer. He trained as Powerlifter and learned to play guitar.

“This attack left my son incapable of engaging with the world as he once did. Once brilliant and hopeful, he was replaced by sadness, confusion and frustration.

“It is heartbreaking to witness his struggle and know that he cannot fully understand what this happened to him. Our family is overwhelmed with pain, anger and a feeling of helplessness. We are a very close family and we have made so many plans already. Time has been still for us all.

“I was on Cole’s bedside table at the incident and I was looking to fight to survive daily. I look at my boy and see him every day with his skull.

“Before that, my son was an active and sociable young man. Now he is limited to a hospital bed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If Cole survives, he most likely lost his independence.”

Meanwhile, the victim’s father said about his reason not to participate in the court this week: “The faces of the guilty parties and their families will stay with me. I would prefer to spend more time with my son. No sentence can cancel the damages, but we trust that justice will be served to prevent others.”

Agatha took a taxi at McDonald’s at the Kew Retail Park following theft, later joined Mclean and Tollitt. All three were captured on the camera inside the branch before returning to Nolan Street, where they scored the bicycle.

The stolen vehicle was then placed back in the utility vehicle, which McLean and Tollitt left later. Meanwhile, Agatha left the scene as a passenger inside a taxi.

23 -year -old from Frederick Street Superior in The center of LiverpoolIt has four previous convictions for 17 crimes, including taking aggravated vehicles, taking a vehicle without consent, burglary and theft of a vehicle. Peter White said in his name: “He had a job that put fiber optic cables. He fell again in old ways and remained with the old crowd. Unfortunately, he fell into this crime.

“He fully appreciates the serious consequences of his offense and gives all the sympathy he can. He tells me that he used his time as best.

Leroy Agatha
Leroy Agatha(Image: Merseyside police)

McLean, from Gilbert Street in the city center, has four convictions for eight crimes, including drugs that led a youth in 2020. The 20-year-old lawyer, Jason Smith, told the court: “He is lucky to have a life before him. He has this opportunity, which he took from Cole.

“He is aware of this and knows how lucky he is and how reprobable and how shameful his conduct was that after – -being. There are remorse and it is an authentic remorse.”

Tollitt, from Grafton Street of DingleIt has five appearances in the previous court, all for holding cannabis. Nicola Daley, the 24 -year -old defense, added: “He was diagnosed with suffering with ADHD and did not obtain any GCSE.

“Perhaps what is positive is the way it seems that, finally, it has grown in recent months. Since the end of last year, his mother told me he was taken by him and received a job in bricklaying, which seems to have really changed. Maybe he gives the court a hope for the future.”

All three defendants recognized the conspiracy to steal a vehicle. Pressing through the video link to HMP Liverpool wearing a Nike Gray T-shirt, Agatha nodded while closed for three years.

Tollitt, who also pleaded guilty for two drug supply offenses and wore a blue hood in the dock, showed no reaction while handing four years and four months. McLean received six years and eight months in an institute of young criminals, also recognizing that he caused serious injury through dangerous leadership.

Mcl Mclean
Mcl Mclean(Image: Merseyside police)

A woman put her head in her hands and burst into tears in the public gallery as she learned his fate. Meanwhile, he cried “I love you mother” before being driven to the cells, with a single supporter noting: “You are a sound, I see you a boy.”

The conviction, Judge Simon Medland KC said: “In July last year, you decided to take a utility vehicle from Liverpool to Southport, to steal a valuable motorcycle.

“As you did these things, the victim of this was struggling for his life and still struggles for his life now. His life has been completely crushed. He is in a bed in a hospital, unable to undertake the most basic human functions and with a very real risk of dying from the wounds he suffered.

“He suffered 14 operations on his brain and faces a 15. His life was completely crushed because he tried to stop stealing his bicycle. Behind the utility vehicle, he fell and suffered the wounds, all because the three had trouble trying to steal their bicycle first.”

McLean also forbade a total of five years and four months and will be asked to pass an extended retention before being allowed back to the steering wheel. The chief inspector of the Merseyside Police Detective, Nick Suffield, said following the sentence: “This was a shocking incident that left a young man with injuries that change alive.

“The three defendants stole a motorcycle and tried to charge it in the utility vehicle, but they could not close the rear doors. The victim climbed on board the utility vehicle, in an attempt to stop them, but it was driven so that it led to the back of the utility vehicle, resulting in the catastrophic lesions.

“The events of that day had a devastating impact on that man, who still continue to recover from his wounds and his family. Today, the three men are behind bars, where they belong and I hope that this result will allow the victim to continue that day and continue his recovery.”