
Former basketball coach JCPS Girls Guils Guilty by Sexting Player

Former basketball coach JCPS Girls Guils Guilty by Sexting Player

A former coach of public schools in Jefferson County asked a judge not to read the facts of his case aloud in court, but he agreed with them and all the charges against him.

Former basketball coach Austin Williams appeared in the Jefferson Circuit Court in front of Judge Brian Edwards in two cases: charges of sexual conduct against a former player, as well as charges for escaping his home imprisonment related to the first set of accusations.

Williams will remain in arrest with the subway correction department, after being guilty for five charges in the two cases, including charges.

Williams agreed to give up his right to a jury process. Edwards has sentenced him to serve three years: two years for sexual behavior and one year for escape. He will also participate in a treatment program for sex criminals and will be included in the register of sex criminals for 20 years.

Williams, who has been in prison or at home prison over the past two years, will receive credit for the time already served.

Williams was accused in November 2022 on two sexing accusations, one of his 16 -year -old athletes.

The accusations against him are: the illegal use of electronic means to induce a minor to engage in sexual activities or other prohibited activities, a class of class D; And a distribution number of the obscene matter to the minors, a Class A. A. offense on Monday, he pleaded guilty for both charges.

According to the judicial documents, the incidents took place on October 1, 2022. Until October 5, a JCPS security employee related to the special unit of LMPD that the assistant coach, known as “coach AJ”, was an improper message of a girl from his team.

When LMPD interviewed the victim, the 16-year-old woman said the coach sent her by a number of text.

“Do you want this D — yet or what?” the text read.

Then he received a photo of his penis.

Austin Williams in the 11th Court Circuit Division for a hearing on Friday, January 17, 2025. Williams is accused of Sextizing a minor girl while she was an assistant coach at a JCPS school.

Austin Williams in the 11th Court Circuit Division for a hearing on Friday, January 17, 2025. Williams is accused of Sextizing a minor girl while she was an assistant coach at a JCPS school.

“The conversation continued and became more sexual,” says the judgments. “At one point during the text conversation, (Williams) pretended to be her lover.”

Williams was arrested on October 18, 2022, when he recognized in a statement that he sent the victim and sent the photo. He was charged a month later, according to judicial documents.

The judicial registrations also show that the former assistant coach is not allowed to have any contact with the victim or with any minors, without electronic devices or the use of the Internet and without contact with Butler High School.

He pleaded guilty in November 2022. He was placed in the home incarceration program, or hip, in January 2023.

Williams’ case was delayed after he got rid of the hip, cutting the ankle bracelet in November 2023. An escape warrant was issued. Then he did not appear in court in January 2024 and a bank mandate was issued for his arrest.

Williams was arrested for both mandates in September 2024.

He received three additional criminal charges: the second degree escape and the handling with a prisoners’ monitoring device – both class D crimes; and theft by the fact that he did not make a request requested by property, a class B.

Williams’ case was one of the detailed in the national recognized project “Silence & Secrets”, a The investigation launched in December by The Courier Journal This focuses on the prevalence of cases of sexual abuse on children involving school coaches.

The newspaper has found at least 80 cases of supposed sexual conduct of children by high school and high school coaches in Kentucky over the past 15 years, including at least three active cases involving the former JCPS coaches.

Stephanie Kuzydym is a sports reporter and an investigation sportsman, with emphasis on the health and safety of athletes. It can be contacted at [email protected]. Follow it at @stephkuiny.

This article originally appeared in Louisville Courier Journal: The coach of public schools in the county former Jefferson advocates for the sexing player