
Surprising number of Ohioani continues to renew hidden transport permits even if no need

Surprising number of Ohioani continues to renew hidden transport permits even if no need

Cleveland, Ohio (Woio) -ToDay, Ohio General Lawyer, Dave Yost launched the hiding place report 2024showing that thousands of people receive permits to carry hidden hand weapons.

The rules change in Ohio in June 2022, no longer require a permit to carry a state gun, but the authorization and license process has been maintained.

According to Yost, the county sheriff issued 14,440 new licenses in 2024 and 59,112 renewal.

The current system says that licenses must be renewed every five years.

A new license runs anywhere from $ 67-77 depending on how long you lived in Ohio and a renewal from $ 50-60.

According to the Yost Office, a reason why people still renew licenses and still ask for a bachelor’s degree.

If you hold a CCW license in Ohio, it is valid in 40 other states.