
Warrington: The man tried to rape the woman playing in the park with the son

Warrington: The man tried to rape the woman playing in the park with the son

After Whitfield was convicted, SGT Dave Gerrard said: “The victim and witness stopped to help her were vital to our efforts to make sure that Whitfield faced justice for this horrible crime.”

In a statement of the court, the victim described how he still feels physical pain, is scared to come out alone and live with fear of being attacked again, CPS said.

Both the victim and her child needed counseling after the incident, which happened in July last year.

Pauline Newrick, from the unity of rape and serious sexual crimes of CPS Mersey-Cheshire (RASSO), said: “As often in these cases, both the victim and her child are struggling to understand what happened that day and to return to a” normal “kind.