
Suspect of theft arrested at Blue Lake Casino after breaking the vehicle

Suspect of theft arrested at Blue Lake Casino after breaking the vehicle

The office of the Sheriff in Humboldt County arrested on Friday, February 28, a burglary suspect in the Blue Lake Casino parking, the arrest followed about several vehicle breakments in the area.

According to HCSO, the deputies were shipped around 7 in the morning, after receiving reports on a vandalized vehicle parked outside a business on block 400 in 1st Avenue. The vehicle was found with broken windows and its interior was thrown.

While investigated, the deputies received two additional reports on breaking vehicles nearby. One of the vehicles had blood spots on the doors of the driver and passengers, from which a test for testing was collected. The surveillance filming in a nearby house showed a suspect trying to enter a vehicle.

Using the evidence gathered, the deputies developed a suspicious description and started looking for the area. Later, Shawn Iloff located 31, from Arcata, in the Blue Lake Casino parking lot. Iloff was arrested, and during a search, the deputies found a methamphetamine pipe in one of the stolen bags.

HCSO said Iloff acknowledged that he had entered three vehicles and stole the mail. Some stolen items have been recovered and returned to their owners.

Iloff was reserved in the facility of correction of Humboldt County, under accusations, including two charges of theft, theft, crime and vandalism of crime, holding of stolen goods, holding drug parafernal and a mandate of remarkable crime.

HCSO encourages anyone who has information about this case or related criminal activity to contact them on (707) 445-7251 or at the peak line of the crime at (707) 268-2539.