
Lawyer for the victim’s family involved in Deadly Cheat Lake Crash requesting changes to the law

Lawyer for the victim’s family involved in Deadly Cheat Lake Crash requesting changes to the law

Investigators are now trying to pursue A Semiitruck driver who is accused of crashing into a man’s car from Fayette and pushing it from a bridge and in a frozen lake.

The victim’s family is devastated, and their lawyer said that the allegations of negligent homicide that are filed are a crime in Western Virginia and said that legislators should analyze stronger laws.

“It is the nature full of knowing or even suspecting that the car you entered has passed over a bridge and fell 200 meters into a frozen lake and don’t say anything about it,” said Dino Colombo. “If this is true, there are no words that describe it.”

Colombo wants the truth to appear after the tragic death of Kevin Lataille, the 59 -year -old husband and father in Fayette County. Lataille went to work at Eat ‘n Park in Morgantown earlier because of the bad weather and when it was immersed over the Cheat Lake bridge.

Later, the investigators pulled their car from the frozen waters a week later.

On Monday, an arrest warrant was issued for the driver of the truck accused of collapsing in him and pushed him from the bridge.

“There is a photo of a gentleman, a person, who seems to be the driver of the truck looking at the edge of the bridge, where Mr. Lataille’s vehicle was finally found,” said Colombo.

Colombo also said he said there was video evidence, but he hasn’t seen it yet.

“You see the snow flying on the bridge, very heavy snow that day, and then you see what it seems to be a vehicle over the bridge and in the water,” he said.

Colombo is waiting for accident reports, but he said that the Sheriff’s office in Mononggalia County feels confident that the car damage in Lataille matches those of Semitruk damage.

The deputies said that the driver of the truck and his colleague need an interpreter, but denied to hit drivers.

The driver faces an accusation of offense of negligent homicide.

“The punishment is usually a year or less in prison,” Colombo said. “Obviously, a fine. All this situation could prove to be something other than a hand on the wrist.”

The deputies said it was the cabin of the semiitruck that hit the victim’s car, but it is not clear how quickly it was going. Investigators said he was too fast and reckless for conditions and collapsed in another car before hitting the victim.