
The case of human trafficking results in probation News, sports, jobs

The case of human trafficking results in probation News, sports, jobs

Hollidaysburg – a woman from Blair County was guilty on Friday for criminal conspiracy to engage in trafficking in persons and smaller crimes, in exchange for a 10 -year sentence.

Nikkia D. Beck, 43 years old, who told a jury in January 2024 that she and her cousin, Donald Lennon Hydrick, changed text messages about her desire to get involved in sex with a 14 -year -old girl, entered the guilty pleadings on Friday, before the president Wade A. Kagarise, who imposed the sentence.

Deputy District Lawyer, Nichole Smith, said on Monday that Beck’s sentence was a reflection of his cooperation and testimony during Hy’s jury.

The most serious crime that Beck pleaded guilty-conspiracy to engage in human trafficking is a first-degree crime that classifies it as a sexual offender who has to register his address to the State Police for the rest of his life. In addition, Kagarise ordered Beck to undergo an evaluation of the State Sexual Offender Evaluation Committee.

Defense lawyer, Maribeth Schaffer, also acknowledged that Beck’s testimony to Hydrick’s trial was reflected in the negotiated sentence.

Hydrick, who testified in his own defense at the trial and denied the girl’s rape, took the objections to the upper court of the state in a recent appeal filed by Defense Lawyer Scott Pletcher.

During the process, Hydrick also denied that he was the one who created and changed text messages with Beck.

When the trial was completed, the jury condemned herself on the height for human trafficking, the rape of an unconscious person, legal sexual aggression and related crimes. Currently, he is incarcerated at the state correction institution in Somerset, executing a sentence from 21 to 47.

Hollidaysburg State Police arrested Hyrick in January 2023 and Beck in December 2022, after an investigation into what happened on the Easter weekend of 2021, when Hydrick and Beck – then lived in the Williamsburg area – rented rooms at a motel of Antis.

The testimony revealed that at the weekend, Beck’s daughter, then 13 years old, and her 14 -year -old friend became intoxicated to drink alcohol and smoke marijuana while in Hydrick’s room.

The victim, 17 years old, at the time of the process of Hydrick’s jury, said that when she and Beck’s daughter returned to Beck’s room, Beck upset her intoxication and told him to find a walk at home or return to Hydra’s room.

The evidence collected by the State Police included text messages between Hydra and Beck, where Hytrick spoke about the desire to get involved in sexual activities with the 14 -year -old girl and sought Beck’s help to make him return to his room. Among the texts exchanged was one in which it is assumed that he said to Beck: “Please do this. Work -you work. “

The victim, who in the trial was described as “very intoxicated”, said he returned to Hydrick’s room because he did not have a mobile phone, driving license or a walk. While initially he fell asleep, she told the jury that she remembered that she woke up with herrick above her and her hand inside her, then fell asleep and waking up as his body was thrown against it.

When Hydrick testified, he acknowledged that the girl remained in his room, but denied the accusations of attack.

Hyrick was the first person in Blair County who was judged and convicted for human trafficking and conspiracy for committing trafficking in persons, as defined by a state law adopted in 2014.

The writer of the Kay Stephens mirror staff is at 814-946-7456.