
The arrest report reveals the previously crouched suspect in the apartment before the entrance

The arrest report reveals the previously crouched suspect in the apartment before the entrance

An arrest report for The man accused of entering a busy unit A The Tides at North Paradise Apartments, near Twain and University Center Drive, reveals the accused, Christopher Brown –cunnignham, who is now accused of invasion at home, told Las Vegas Metro Police Astinging Officers he tried to enter an abandoned unit in which he used to stay.

The arrest documents from the after -I am on Wednesday, February 26 reveal, LVMPD officers were sent to locate a stolen vehicle near Twain and Maryland Parkway.

However, unknown to the stolen black cadillac driver, the vehicle had been equipped with live tracking, which helped the officers in their search, where they quickly locked the vehicle near Flamingo Road and Escondo Street.

Due to the irregular driving by the driver of the stolen vehicle, the LVMPD officers stopped pursuit based on air support to follow Cadillac stole to Tides at North Paradise Apartments, near Twain and University Center Drive, where the police say that Brown-Comunignham ran.

More details about the investigation reveal, at the time of entry, a couple who had just moved to the unit were still inside when they heard the agitation.

News 3 managed to catch up with residents one day after the amazing incident

“We hear to scream at the door and then a Big Bang and I think the police have knocked down, and our dog right here rises to the door and starts to bark and I’m as good, no one is in a hurry. She runs trying to save her from running out, because we know the door is now open, because an explosion comes and sees a man’s foot, ”said Gary Smitherman.

Brown-Gunningham was arrested on the spot where he told the arrest officers that he was scared, which is why he fled.

The arrest report also reveals Brown -unningham told the police that he had already kicked until he dropped the door down, that he realized that the apartment is not an abandoned unit.

Brown-Gunningham was reserved in the detention center in Clark County, where he is facing invasion at home and holding a stolen vehicle.