
The price of the action BHEL: The PSU stock jumps after this demand for disputes. Do you own?

The price of the action BHEL: The PSU stock jumps after this demand for disputes. Do you own?

Stock market market today: Heavy electrics bharat The price of the LTD (BHEL) action won during Tuesday’s Tuesday transactions after the PSU stock updated on a dispute application.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd or Bhel Watch Stop at 183.80 on BVB Tuesday was lower than in previous days close to 185.45. The price of the BHEL action has obtained at the Maximum Intraday levels in 191.20, which was translated into earnings of over 3%.

BHEL, on March 4, 2024, enforced the National Exchange of India (NSE) and BSE LTD, the details of a new written petition submitted by BHEL, which are materials in accordance with the materiality criteria

Update the BHEL litigation demand

In the statement, Bhel said that BHEL has filed a petition in front of the High Court of Karnataka, requesting a statement that holds Rs. 423.42 Crores of Raichur Power Corporation Ltd. It is wrong and they should be guided to release the payment mentioned to BHEL

While BHEL statements are for 423.42 Crores, the respondent is Raichur Power Corporation Ltd.

BHEL, while requested the request for exception, was recently challenged by another organization. While BHEL has submitted applications in this dispute. A few days in February 2025, an arbitration issue submitted by M/S Dipon Gulf General Contracting LLC, UAE Emirates against BHEL

According to the previous release of Deatils IJ Bhel, the applicant invoked arbitration for additional amounts, among others, due to the alleged works performed for the contracts performed on the MaTree project, Bangladesh.

However, according to BHEL, the applicant did not do any additional work over and over the field of contractual activity. Other requests are also not tenable according to contractual provisions

While the applicant is the M/S DIPON GULF GULF Contracting LLC, the United Emirates, the respondent, BHEL was requested to submit applications of 29.668.016.82 USD, according to the intimate at SIAC

The respondent’s claim is also completed.

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