
Here’s where you should store medicines

Here’s where you should store medicines

Many people keep their drugs in bathroom cabinets, often because it seems the most logical place and is what we see in movies and TV shows.

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As it turns out, the bathroom is one of the most serious places to store drugs. But where should you store it and what is the right way to keep it safe?

Correct storage is essential not only to maintain your effective drugs, but also to prevent poisoning accidents, as evidenced by Medline Plus.

If you have children, it is particularly important to keep the pills, syrups and other medicines available.

The way you store medicines can directly affect its potency and safety.

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Here’s how to store your medicines:
  • Medicine should always be stored in a cool, dry place, such as a drawer, a cabinet or a kitchen cabinet, away from heat sources, such as stoves, sinks and hot devices. Exposure to heat, air, light and humidity can affect the effectiveness of the drug.

  • Storing drugs in baths, where heat and humidity are common, can reduce its potency and cause it to break before its expiration date.

  • Always keep the medicine in its original container and remove the cotton ball because it absorbs humidity.

  • Make sure that the drugs are kept out of reach and vision of children and consider assurance with a latch or blocking for children for additional safety.

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How to detect damaged drug:
  • Do not use pills that are blocked together, tougher or soft than usual, cracked or carved.

  • The drug that has changed the color, smell or texture should be avoided, just before expiration.

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Here’s how to safely remove the medicine:
  • Always throw the drugs that have expired.

  • Do not wash your medicine on the sink or toilet unless approved.

  • Before throwing your medicine into the basket, mix it with a product that breaks it, such as coffee land or kitten and put the mixture in a sealed bag.

  • You can also return the unused medicine to a pharmacy.

Always see your doctor if you are not sure, look for advice or have questions.

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