
Petaluma police are arresting after parking assault

Petaluma police are arresting after parking assault

The police say a man from Sonoma was arrested following an attack inside the Keller Street garage in the Petaluma center, which led to serious injury to the victim.

The police say a man from Sonoma was arrested following an attack inside the Keller Street garage in the Petaluma center, which led to serious injury to the victim.

The incident took place on Friday, February 28, a few minutes before midnight, when the dispatchers received a report inside the garage. While heading for the garage, the officers found out that the suspect had fled the car, according to a public opinion of the Petaluma Police Department.

The officers came to find that the victim “suffered injuries that do not endanger during the attack,” said the police, which the paramedics in the Petaluma fire department described as a contusion on the victim’s face “to be hit.”

Soon the officers watched a vehicle that fits the getaway vehicle and arrested the driver Juarez-Munoz, 21 years old from Sonoma.

Juarez-Munoz was taken to the prison in Sonoma county and reserved under the suspicion of a deadly weapon and the probation violation, the police said.