
“This is life and went on”

“This is life and went on”

A federal jury found a man from OKMulgee county who is not guilty of sexually assaulting a child. However, his lawyer says that allegations will have lasting effects on his life.

Defense Lawyer: The case should never have gone to trial

Justin Melton was accused of sexually abused a 10 -year -old girl in 2023. His lawyer, Patrick Adams, says that evidence was missing and that the process itself caused a significant injury.

“Justin was devastated by the accusations and the process he had to go through to determine that he was innocent,” Adams said.

The impact of accusations on Melton’s life

Melton, a father and former truck driver, lost his job because of the accusations.

“Based on an ankle monitor, he was forced to wear by probation,” Adams explained.

Despite being cleaned, Adams says Melton will continue to face public control.

“He will continue to be looked through by shady eyes, but that’s life and went on,” Adams said.

The jury quickly reaches the verdict

According to Adams, the jury made the decision quickly, indicating that they are convinced of the evidence presented.

“After listening carefully to all the facts, including the victim, they were out in less than an hour, so they didn’t have to deliberate enough,” Adams said.

The lawyer asks the prosecutors to examine all the facts before submitting charges

Adams believes that investigators should adopt a more thorough approach before pursuing accusations to prevent unjustified trauma.

“The job of a prosecutor is to find justice, not to be prosecuted and to win at any price and, unfortunately, styling with the obvious facts has led to a terrible consequence,” Adams said.

Melton recovers his job after not being guilty

Following his payment, Melton was able to return to work. He refused to appear on the room, but he expressed gratitude for the jury’s decision.

The news on 6 addressed the American lawyer’s office for comments, but their spokesman was not available.