
SLPRB Assam Police and the result 2025 released at, how to check?

SLPRB Assam Police and the result 2025 released at, how to check?

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SLPRB Assam Police and result 2025: Candidates who have deleted the written test are now eligible to appear for the standard physical test (PST) and the physical efficiency test (PET)

SLPRB Assam Police and the result 2025: SLPRB ASSAM and 2025 The written exam took place on January 5 (representative/file)

SLPRB Assam Police and the result 2025: SLPRB ASSAM and 2025 The written exam took place on January 5 (representative/file)

The State Police Recruitment Council (SLPRB) has announced the combined results of the written test 2025 for various positions, including Deputy Deputy Controllers (Junior) in civil defense under DGCD and CGHG, Subinspector (AB) in Battalions Commando Assam, Sub-inspector (UB) in ASSAM Police and Sub-ASSEspector Approx. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can now check their results on the official site,

In order to access their scores, the applicants must connect using the name, the request number and the date of birth. The result will display essential details, such as exam name, date, registration number, scores and qualification status. The written exam SLPRB ASSAM and 2025 took place on January 5.

ASSAM SLPRB 2025 result: How to check?

Step 1: Go to the official SLPRB –

Step 2: Click the “Result and Police Assam” link on the main page.

Step 3: Enter the authentication credentials (the name, the application number and the date of birth) on the new page.

Step 4: Click “Send” to view the result.

Step 5: Download and print a copy of the result for future references.

SLPRB ASSAM and 2025: What follows?

Candidates who have deleted the written test are now eligible to appear for the standard physical test (PST) and the physical efficiency test (PET). According to the official program, the tests for sub-inspecting positions will be performed on March 17-21 at the 4 Assam Police, Kahilipara, Guwahati Battalion. In addition, the practical test for deputy deputy controller, civil defense (jr.) within the DGCD and CGG will be announced soon, according to the official notification.

SLPRB 2025: How to download your PST admission card, pet exam?

The State Police Recruitment Council (SLPRB) will issue ASSAM and PST and PET admism cards on March 9, at 11 in the morning. Eligible candidates for multiple positions need to select your favorite post before downloading their admission cards. Follow these steps to download the admission card:

Step 1: Go to the official SLPRB site –

Step 2: Click the “Admission Book” section.

Step 3: Enter the name, birth date and application number.

Step 4: Click “Send” to download the admission card.

Step 5: Print a copy for future references.

Candidates must wear a printed copy of the admission card at the examination site, together with a valid photo ID.

In working days, candidates can contact the SLPRB Assam Tax line at 8108014947 between 10 and 17:00 for any technical assistance. Also, the candidates are asked to keep up to date with the guidelines on the official SLPRB site.