
Continue to offend, giving all, get nothing: PD letters

Continue to offend, giving all, get nothing: PD letters

It’s time to go offender

Editor: Usually, the crime wins, no matter how offensive. Democrats are still learning this lesson. The beginning of the mayor for the appointment of the candidate for the democratic presidency for 2028 must begin now. This would dilute the messaging of the White House, forcing the sharing of the news cycle with several candidates and presidential policies in opposition to Donald Trump. Equally important, this would force the candidates for the Republican Presidency on the campaign route for 2028. Democrats will get to improve their message in time and often. Meanwhile, Republican candidates walk over the possibility Trump’s attempt at a third term.

Steven J. Garcia


Giving everything for nothing

Editor: In the article showing the Potter Valley project agreement (“Next to the river, it arrived” February 14), the supervisor Lynda Hopkins is quoted saying: “No one receives exactly what they wanted. Everyone had to offer this on the finish line. “Two communities, Potter Valley and Lake County, give everything and get nothing. This has not been mentioned.

Winter diversions to Lake Mendocino Bypass Potter Valley. Water is required in summer, but there are no provisions for irrigation, storage or compensation for landowners in Valea Potter. A flourishing agricultural community will be cut from the irrigation water that has been based for over 100 years.

Lake Pillsbury and Scott dam are in Lake County. The Lake Pillsbury basin is a jewel of a recreation area, with a boat, fishing, camping, vehicle routes outside the road and hiking routes. All this will be eliminated. Lake Pillsbury is a valuable resource for firefighters. There is no compensation for Lake County or the owners of properties in the area for the loss of this valuable resource.

Potter Valley and Lake County are thrown under the bus. They give everything and I get absolutely nothing in return, not even honest reporting.

Dh Eraldi

Potter Valley

The realization of the “list”

EDITOR: A simple thing to simplify the detail of goods for potential household owners insurance debts is to make a video of each room, including opening each closet and drawer (“Tell the insurers to give up the” list “,” Editorial, February 25). The video does not have to be of the highest quality to help a lot to remember everything that was there before a disaster. The video can be sent to the cloud or another person for reserve.

Dan Reynolds

Santa Rosa

American oligarchs

Editor: I find it encouraging that the phrase “American oligarchs” appears more often in media opinion. An oligarchy is administered by small groups of people and families, too often for selfish or corrupt purposes. The American version consists of families and corporate people who hide behind Citizens United, a decision of the Supreme Court that allows them to buy members of the Congress and define the President’s agenda.

These families and corporations are puppet masters who use Donald Trump to strengthen their power – the control of how financial resources are accumulated and distributed.

One of the shaking from the last elections seems to be an increasing sense that progressive culture-magae wars are a vehicle through which the financial elites of America hide and maintain their control over how wealth and income are distributed. The more we champion or revive Trump, the more secure the smaller oligarchs become. They hide in sight behind the emotionalism that Trump generates in all dimensions of the political spectrum.

Their playing book is in sight-the manifest of the project 2025 of 887 pages. Instead of doing the auction and fighting between us, we must have conversations about the oligarchic control of limited resources and how to conclude it.

Jeffrey J. Olson

Clearlake Oaks

An avalanche of lies

EDITOR: I never thought about quoting the Buddy The Elf, but here it goes: “Stay on a throne of lies.” The news reports Donald Trump’s fakes about Ukraine that begins the war with Russia. But let’s be clear: the forgeries are untrue statements that the speaker believes. Lies are untrue statements made with the intention of deceiving. Let’s call it what it is – a lie.

However, it’s just one of the many. Trump boasts that his approval rating is between 60% and 71%, when between 43% and 47% and decreases. While he was campaigning, he said he knows nothing about the 2025 project – now, is the playground used for intestinal programs. He claims that he knows the “best” people, although his key choices are very unqualified.

The avalancy of lies is the burial of the system and creates chaos. It is time for our chosen leaders to challenge these lies and restore the checks and balances guaranteed by the Constitution.

The slogan on my hat? “You go to bed again.”

Sue Gruber

Santa Rosa

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