
You can literally get all 17 command and conquest games for $ 6 right now

You can literally get all 17 command and conquest games for $ 6 right now

There is a gross brutality in Command and conquest. Of course, it is a RTS, and that means you have to think tactically and make correct calls, but in many cases – especially in Tiberian dawn and red alert – you can win by pure strength. Build a lot of tanks. Train a lot of infantry. Surround the base with tesla tours and coils. It is a wild representation of the modern war, where the winner is usually who owns the biggest stick. Because it launches the source code for Classic C&C, including the Red Alert 2, Kane’s Wrath, Zero Hour and Generals, is now available for the low price of $ 6.

In 2024, it felt like Command and conquest The series was, however, except death. Remastenized collection revived Red Alert and Tiberian Dawn but besides that, The best RTS game The series of all time has been essentially latent since 2011 less than Tiberian dusk. Recently, however, C&C has started to return to life. First of all, the final collection arrived on Steam, closing every command and conquest game ever released on a PC in a single package. And only last week, the official modding support has arrived for dozens of C&C classics on Steam Atelier and she Set the source code for red alert and the 1995 progenitor.

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Will we ever receive a new order and conquest? It is not clear now. But, whether you are fresh in the series, you want to play the whole saga or you simply have a few gaps in your library, now you can literally get each C&C expansion, all together, for $ 6. This order and conquest Ultimate Collection launched last year is now for sale with 70% discount. The full list of what includes is below. Please note that the command and conquest and red alert are rather original than the remistal versions.:

  • Command and conquest
  • Order and Conquest: Hidden Operations
  • Command and conquest: red alert
  • Order and Conquest: Red Alert: Counterikerike
  • Command and Conquer: Red Alert: Aftermath
  • Command and conquest: Tiberian sun
  • Command and Conquest: Tiberian sun storm
  • Order and Conquest: Red Alert 2
  • Order and Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri’s revenge
  • Order and Conquest: Renegade
  • Order and Conquest: Generali
  • Order and Conquest: Generals: Zero Hour
  • Order and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
  • Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars: Kane’s Wrath
  • Order and Conquer: Red Alert 3
  • Order and Conquest: Red Alert 3: Uprising
  • Command and conquer 4: tiberian dusk

Ultimate command and conquest collection is $ 6 / £ 5.88 until Thursday, March 13. You can get it Here.

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