
ING publishes 2024 Annual report on form 20-F | 06.03.25

ING publishes 2024 Annual report on form 20-F | 06.03.25

ING publishes 2024 Annual report on form 20-F

ING today submitted its annual report on form 20-F for the year ended on December 31, 2024 with the US Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). 2024Form 20-F will be available on the ING website and can be downloaded from the SEC site (Gov sec) today. The shareholders or owners of ADRs may also request a copy on the pension of the audited financial statements of the ING, free of charge, at

Note for publishers

For more about ING, please visit Frequent news updates can be found in News room. Photos of its operations, buildings and directors are available for download at Flickr.

Profile ing

ING is a global financial institution, with a strong European base, which offers banking services through its operating company ING Bank. The purpose of the ING bank is: the ability of people to remain a step forward in life and in business. Over 60,000 bank employees offer retail and EN -GROS services to customers from over 100 countries.

The actions of the ING group are listed on the exchanges in Amsterdam (INGA NA, INGA.AS), Brussels and the Stock Exchange in New York (ADRS: ING US, ING.N).

ING aims to put sustainability in the center of what we do. Our policies and actions are evaluated by independent research and rating providers, which offer updates on them annually. The ESG evaluation by MSCI was reconfirmed by MSCI as “AA” in August 2024 for the fifth year. In December 2023, in the opinion of sustainytyts, ESG management of ESG material risk is “strong”. Our current ESG risk assessment is 17.2 (low risk). The actions of the ING group are also included in the major sustainability products and the ESG index of the leading suppliers. Here are some examples: Euronext, Stoxx, Morningstar and FTSE Russell. The company moves to a low carbon economy. As well as our customers, as well. We finance a lot of sustainable activities, but we still finance more, that is not. Follow our progress on

Important legal information

The elements of this press release contain or may contain information about ING Groep NV and/ or ING Bank NV within the meaning of Article 7 (1) to (4) of the EU Regulation no. 596/2014 (“Regulation on market abuse”).

The annual accounts of the ING group are prepared in accordance with the international financial reporting standards, as adopted by the European Union (“IFRS-EU”). In the preparation of the financial information in this document, except those described otherwise, the same accounting principles are applied as in the consolidated annual accounts in group 2024. All figures in this document are unauthorized. Small differences are possible in meals due to rounding. Certain of the statements contained here are not historical facts, including, without limitation, certain statements made of future expectations and other prospective statements that are based on the current opinions and assumptions of management and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause real results, performance or events that are different from the ones. Real results, performance or events can be important from such statements due to a number of factors, including, without limitation: (1) changes in general economic conditions and customer behavior, under certain economic conditions on the basic markets of ING, including changes affecting foreign exchange rates and economic impact and global economic impact in Ukraine and International International Movements Changes related to rates of interest (3) In any default way of a participant in the international market and the related market (2) changes of the rate of interest (3) in any case by the implicit of a participant in the international market and of the related market (regarding the performance of the financial markets, including in Europe and in the developing markets (5) in the United States (5) “Reference” indications (7) Inflation and deflation on our main markets (8) changes in the conditions on credit and capital markets in general, including changes within the borrowing holes and the counterpart of compensation schemes (9) failures of the state banks. Non-compliance with or Changes in Laws and Regesions, Including Those Concerning Financial Services, Financial Economic Crimes and Tax Laws, and the Interplication and Application Thereof (11) Geopolitical Risks, Political Instabies and Polycies of Goverment and Regulations Authorities, Including In Connection with the invasions of Russia intsia and the Related International Response Measures (12) Legal and Regulatory Risks in Certain Country Less Developed Legal and Regulatory Frameworks (13) Prudential surveillance and regulations, including in stress tests and regulatory restrictions on dividends and distribution regulations (also between the members of the group) (14) The ability to meet the minimum capital and other prudential regulation requirements (15) changes to the American and derivative regulations of the ING enterprises and its customers (16) to return the goods (17) The result of the current and future disputes, the execution procedures, the investigations, who feel wrongly deceived or treated, and other problems of conduct (18) changes to fiscal laws and regulations and risks of non-compliance or investigations related to tax laws, including operating (19) and IT risks, such as human risks, errors, Breate, security, security, Cyber-IT, such as the risks of the system, as well as the mistakes, the BREATE of the Security, of the Changes in Operational Practices or Inadequate Controls Including in respect of Third Parties with Wich We do business and including any risk of incomplete, inaccurate, or OTHERWISE FLAWED OUTPUTS FROM THE ALGORITHMS AND DATES SETS USEZED IN USEZED IN USEZED IN UB UZIZED IN USEED IN USESED Artificial Intelligence (20) Risks and Challenges Related to Cybercrime Including the E? Ects ​​of Cyberattacks and Changes in Legislation and Regular to Cyberscuity and Data Privacy, including such risks and challenges following the use of emerging technologies, such as advanced forms of artificial intelligence and calculation quantum (21) changes to the general competitive factors, including the ability to increase or maintain market share (22) the inability to protect our intellectual property and requests for third parties (23) The inability to meet the financial obligations or the ability to analyze third parties, thus operational, regulation Connection with Climate Change, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Other Esg-Related Matters, including Data Gathering and Reporting and Also Including Managing The Conflicting Laws and Requirements of Government Personnel (27) Future Liabilits Under Defined Benefit Retirement Class (28) Failure to Manage Business Resks, Including in Connection with Usi of Models, use of derivatives, or maintenance policies and guidelines (29) Changes in Capital and Credit Markets, Including Interbank Funding, AS WELL Customer depots, which provide the liquity and capital required to our operations, and (30) the oter risks and uceritins detailed in the recent annual report of ing grump nv (Including the risk factors contained therein) and ing’s more recent disclosures, including releves, which are available on

This document may contain materials related to the ESG that have been prepared by the basis of publicly available information, data developed internally and other third sources that are believed to be confident. ING did not seek to verify independently the information obtained from public and third sources and does not make any representation or guarantee regarding the accuracy, completeness, reasonability or reliability of this information.

Materiality, as used in the ESG context, is distinct and should not be confused with the term defined in the regulation on market abuse or as defined for purposes of the commission of securities and exchanges (sec ‘). Therefore, any problems identified as materials for ESG purposes in this document are not necessarily materials, as defined in the regulation on market abuse or for sec reporting purposes. In addition, at present there is no unique set, recognized worldwide, by definitions accepted in evaluation if the activities are “green” or “durable”. Without limiting any of the statements contained here, we do not make any representation or guarantee that any of our titles are an ecological or sustainable security or in accordance with the expectations or objectives for investors present or future for green or sustainable investments. For information on the characteristics of a security, the use of revenues, a description of the applicable project (project) and/or any other relevant information, please refer to the offer documents for such security.

This document may contain inactive textual addresses to the websites operated by new and third parties. The reference to such web sites is made only for information purposes, and the information found on such web sites is not incorporated by reference to this document. ING does not make any representation or guarantee regarding the accuracy or completeness or does not assume any responsibility for any information found on any websites operated by third parties. Specifically, any liability is declined regarding any information found on the websites operated by third parties. ING cannot guarantee that web sites operated by third parties remain available following the publication of this document or that any information found on such web sites will not change after submitting this document. Many of these factors are beyond the control of ING.

Any prospective statements made by or in the name of ING speaks only from the date when they are made and assumes no obligation to update or revise publics, whether it is the result of new information or for any other reason.

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ING publishes 2024 Annual report on form 20-F | 06.03.25