
Chinese gang made fake Thai IDs and used police to extort victims

Chinese gang made fake Thai IDs and used police to extort victims

The operation was extended beyond mere false. Financial investigations have linked the funds illicit by a candidate company that is supposed to act as a front for Chinese interests. The directors of the company were listed as farmers from the rural area who received a monthly salary, suggesting a coverage for money laundering from the illegal activities of the MAE SOT and the neighboring countries.

The criminal passage of the fugitive and deeper connections

Additional background checks revealed that Li Zhjaj was subject to red notification for a massive fraud case in China, where it is supposed to have passed 15 billion Baht from 3,000 victims in 2019, before running to Thailand in 2021. Both Li and his wife would have paid 60,000 baht each Thai brokers to provide these documents.

After settling in Thailand, he perceived his new identity to operate a fraudulent service, guiding Chinese nationals in obtaining false Thai IDs, while simultaneously renouncing the officers of the Immigration Bureau to orchestrate extortion schemes. He also registered 15 peel companies suspected of money laundering.

Recovery of law application and future investigations

With sufficient evidence, the authorities have obtained arrest warrants, which led to the detention of six key suspects, including Li Zhjaj and corrupt officials. Immigration records revealed that Li Li li from 2018 from 2018 on a tourist visa, but chose to remain permanently in the country in 2020, after I learned of a red notification in China.

Despite the fact that it denied all the allegations, the police remains confident in their case, citing digital evidence on the Li mobile phone, which contains records of at least 10 other Chinese nostrils who have sought fraudulent identification services. The financial pursuit of the company nominated Li has also discovered substantial cash flows from criminal activities in Poipet (Cambodia) and the Thai-Myanmar border, totaling 400-500 million Baht in a single year. Authorities intend to expand their probe in related criminal enterprises.

Previous offenses of arrested immigration officers

The four former officers of the Immigration Bureau were previously accused at the beginning of 2023 for the abduction and extortion of a Chinese performer and his associate for 10 million Baht.