
US Security and Technology Experts issue warning to billions of iPhone users on three defaults – News

US Security and Technology Experts issue warning to billions of iPhone users on three defaults – News

Security experts have issued an emphasized warning for billions of iPhone users to deactivate three settings that will be activated by default.

National Security Officials warned Apple Device users that three settings have permanently activated, which could expose their vulnerable data to Cybercriminal.

Hackers could put their hands on your social security number, credit card details, passwords, personal photos and even home address – some key ingredients for Cyberpunki to drain you banking Accounts, stole the identity or sell it for a profit.

Cybercriminal could disguise their points of badly intentional hotspots as free Wi-Fi in public places (Getty Images)

Cybercriminal could disguise their points of badly intentional hotspots as free Wi-Fi in public places (Getty Images)

Setting Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

The first setting that needs to be careful is Wi-Fi, while letting him look for available networks when you are out and about convenient and data-friendly sounds, he could automatically connect to a Dodgy hotspot controlled by a hacker.

The hacker can harvest your data, even after you have disconnected and install malware on you. phone.

This is due to the fact that the WiFi set set leaves your device constantly searching for available networks – and when it finds one, it automatically connects, even if you have not requested it.

Are most common in public spaces where Wi-Fi tends to be available freely such as cafes, bars and restaurants.

The National Security Agency (NSA) says that the tricks could be hidden by changing the name Wi-Fi to that of a nearby hotel or restaurant and call this type of attack a “malephic twins” for them disguised as a regular Wi-Fi network.

Hackers can have access to your device via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth (Jaap Arriens/Nurphoto through Getty Images)

Hackers can have access to your device via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth (Jaap Arriens/Nurphoto through Getty Images)

Kaspersky’s cyber security company say Such attacks are “the biggest threat to free Wi-Fi security”, as can be positioned (themselves) between you and the connection point. “They continued:” So, instead of talking directly with the hotspot, you send your hacker information, which then transmits them. “

To protect your device, you will need to turn off the automatic Wi-Fi setting by stopping the option for “Auto-Join”.

NSA also recommends iPhone Users will pay attention to connecting to Wi-Fi public networks that do not require a password to have access, because they are “vulnerable to theft or manipulation”.

Also, leaving Bluetooth search not only can drain your battery, but it can expose you to a “blue” attack and can be switched on.

Location services

Another major red flag enters under the location services for iPhone.

You may be familiar with the pop-up when using a location-based app that asks you if you want to turn the location “at any time” or just when you use the application.

However, Technology Gurus warns to allow applications to access your location. All the time could present to hackers with a golden mine if they are able to get their hands on it.

Technological pro -pro -pri warns that the location started to endanger you (Getty Images)

Technological pro -pro -pri warns that the location started to endanger you (Getty Images)

We take, for example, a situation in January, when hackers were able to compromise the Gray Analytics app, which collects data from users to help businesses engage with their customers.

However, hackers have caught tons of data, including information that has map the exact users’ movements.

You can stop deactivating enough easily by accessing the settings, confidentiality and security and touching the location services.

In the location services, you can see all the applications you share your location with and touch.

Specific Apple applications such as maps and weather, require your location to help you travel And identify where you are, but you can limit as much as they follow, reaching this to the option that only concerns your location while using the “application.

Tracker app

Have you ever been convinced that your phone “listens” to you? Maybe you were talking about an article and then from a time, boom, you are hit with ads about it.

Some applications can share your personal data without your knowledge (Getty Images)

Some applications can share your personal data without your knowledge (Getty Images)

Well, this is because your phone is constantly collecting data about you, and your applications communicate this data when you build your digital profile, from the device ID to the E -mail and other information about the user’s behavior.

Fortunately, you can put an end to this using the “application tracking transparency” which is already incorporated in your device.

The app allows you to see what applications are following you and what data collects about you.

Under the Privacy and Security section of the settings, click on tracking.

If you “allow the applications to ask to be pursued”, then your applications could follow your use, which could be a treasure again if they had fallen into the wrong hands.