
The accused killer in the series, Antonio Reyes, would have killed foreigners and close friends

The accused killer in the series, Antonio Reyes, would have killed foreigners and close friends

Prosecutors say that suspected Killer in series Antonio Reyes He chose the victims at random: a father with his children, shopping for a puppy; A young UPS driver waiting to pick up a friend; A man on the way to a gas station.

But Reyes’s friends were also among his targets, according to the mother of one of his alleged victims and records in a related case.

Other documents describe Reyes as a violent member of the band, who went after the nickname “Redrum” – the crime wrote back.

He is suspected of asking two friends to kill a witness against him, a hit Reyes would be ordered while in the minors’ detention.

And in a bizarre twist, another of Reyes’s friends shot and killed a Chicago police officer after he was fighting with Reyes’s mother.

Reyes was arrested in 2020 for a crime and a shot, but the police considered suspicious in several crimes-all committed for nine months at 16 or 17 years.

In the next four years, the police said they had built other cases – by ballistic and social media – and Reyes accused of five more killings.

The alleged victims of Antonio Reyes

Map visualization

Did Reyes know any victims?

In announcing the new accusations last week, Cook County lawyer, Eileen O’Neill Burke, told reporters that “none of these people have ever met Antonio Reyes and there is no reason to suspect that Antonio Reyes had any reason to target them.”

But my mother Damian Duran, one of Reyes’s alleged victims, said her son was friends with Reyes in the months before the 16th of 16

Marlen Rangel said she met Reyes a few weeks before her son was killed and changed angry text messages in the hours after Duran’s body was found.

Rangel said he had a bad sensation about Reyes for the first time he saw him rising to her house in the spring of 2020 to pick up on Duran. Reyes was the same age as her 16 -year -old son, but she looked older, she said.

“I ran to the car and said” Who is you? “Because I have to know who my children are,” she remembered. “I said to him:” I see you, I know what car you drive and I have registration. “

Reyes and Duran clung a lot in the weeks that followed, and on May 1, a driver with travel actions rose to Rangel’s house to pick him up on Duran. Rangel believes that Reyes lured his son to his death and sent the travel tail for knowing he was looking closely at the vehicles coming to her home.

A few hours after Duran left for the travel tail, the detectives knocked on Rangel’s door, asking about her son’s tattoos and other identification signs. Panic, Rangel asked his daughter to reach Snapchat. Rangel sent messages back and forth with Reyes, asking her about her son.

“He said he threw my son on the 55th street and I said,” I know you lie! The detectives were here! My son is dead! “Said Rangel. The last message he received from Reyes was creepy. “He said,” That is why your son will rot in hell. “

Duran’s killing is among the five new cases of murder against Reyes last month. Rangel said he almost gave up the hope that the police would solve the case of her son.

“It’s been a long time,” she said. “I was happy when they arrested him and put him in prison.”

Six crimes in nine months

According to prosecutors, Reyes killed two men before Duran and will kill another three in the months afterwards – a total of six crimes over nine months.

The killings took place in the cleaning neighborhoods and Gage Park from the south -west. The first and last attacks took place at several blocks on each other on 59 Street.

In three of the killings, the shootings were pulled from a car passing. It is not clear from the police, if other people were in the car, apart from the gun.

In the first crime related to Reyes, witnesses told police that there are two shooters. They fired at Francisco Magana while walking on West 59th Street, near Washtenaw Avenue, in March 2020, according to a police report.

After the magic fell to the ground, one of the shooters approached the magic and fired several fires in the man falling from the range, stopping only when the second man cried: “Let’s go! It’s over! “According to the report.

Reyes is the only one who was accused of killing Magana.

A month later, Claudio Cossio was doubled in the 4100 block of South Sacramento, waiting for a friend to play basketball. It is assumed that Reyes got up next to Cossio and opened the fire on April 5, killing the 20 -year -old UPS worker.

Cossio’s family said that neither they nor Cossio knew Reyes.

Duran was killed a month later. Police responding to a Shotspoter alert found on the 16 -year -old lying down on an alley, with wounds shot at the torso and head. Witnesses said that someone from a gray hood joined Duran and took off an alley.

A month later, Luis Davalos Garcia was doubled in the 5800 block of South Rockwell Street, waiting for his girlfriend to get out of her house, when Reyes got up in a Lincoln Mkz and Sedan pulled into Davalos Garcia’s car, says the police.

Davalos Garcia did not know Reyes, a criminal -funded marketing representative, the authorities said.

Prosecutors say the reason had no connection with Davalos Garcia. Reyes was “devastated” because his girlfriend separated from him, according to prosecutors. A few minutes before Davalos Garcia was shot, the prosecutors said that Reyes sent him a message according to which he would “kill a king”, a reference to a band and sent a picture with himself holding a weapon while driving near the crime.

And only a day away in November 2020, prosecutors say Reyes killed Jose Martinez and Justin Gonzales in apparently random attacks.

Police reports indicate that Reyes got up to Martinez’s car in block 330 in West 55th Street and pulled five fires in the car, killing Martinez, who was carrying their three children to pick up a puppy.

The next day, Reyes shot Justin Gonzales, who was in his car waiting to pick up his girlfriend. Also, Reyes is experiencing attempted charges of murder for a shooting that took place two weeks later, when he had opened the fire on a 27 -year -old man, walking the scalp.

The victim told the police that he had never seen Reyes until the day of the shot, when he noticed the teenager who was following him in a red jeep and offered the older man while led to Errands in Gage Park.

Reyes related to other killings

Reyes was arrested in December and accused of killing Davalos Garcia. But the killing did not stop, the authorities say.

Shortly after he landed in detention for minors, Reyes made a call to his friend, 18 years old, George Reyes, and would have said to “take care of” their friend Sebastian Serrano, because Serrano would testify against him in the case of murder Davalos Garcia, according to documents accusing. George and Antonio Reyes have no connection, according to prosecutors.

Another friend, Andres Giler, 19 years old, lured to Serrano in his home due to text messages and calls, according to prosecutors. Giler was on the phone with Serrano while George Reyes opened the fire, prosecutors said.

Both, George Reyes and Giler declared themselves guilty of charges in Serrano’s death. Antonio Reyes does not face charges of killing.

Rangel lived in just a few Serrano blocks and knew that Serrano had been friends with Reyes. “Everyone knew each other,” she said.

Another friend of Reyes was accused of the fatal shooting of Chicago police officer Andres Vasquez Lasso in 2023.

Reyes’s mother called 911 to report her “husband” with a weapon. Vasquez Lasso was among the officers who arrived at her house in block 5200 in South Spalding. Steven Montano, eighteen, ran out of the house carrying a weapon, and Vasquez Lasso drove the adolescent to an elementary school across the street.

While the children were playing on a playground, the police said that Montano had returned back and fired at Vasquez Lasso, who pulled out a shot strikes Montano in the cheek. While Lasso died, another officer said that the wounded Montano had risen and started to go to him, saying “just kill -me.” The officer defeated Montano.

20 years ago, Montano pleaded for not being guilty of the accusations in the killing of Vasquez Lasso. The judicial records describe Reyes’s mother, 37, as Montano’s friend. Sun-Times couldn’t get to Reyes’s mother for comments.