
The man of Ishpeming accused of criminal sexual conduct while he was in probation for conviction to criminal aggression

The man of Ishpeming accused of criminal sexual conduct while he was in probation for conviction to criminal aggression

Marquette County, Mich. (Wuc) – an ishpeming man who was in the trial for criminal aggression is again in prison for charges of criminal sexual conduct.

On Tuesday, TV6 found Jonathan Jay Bluebird in the search for the prison in Marquette County, with accusations for third -degree criminal conduct by strength or coercion, criminal conduct of fourth through strength or constraint and violation of probation.

The online records for Marquette County district confirm these charges and was notified on February 28, when he promised “he is not guilty” for both charges.

TV6 filed a request on Wednesday at the Ishpeming Police Department for the criminal complaint related to these accusations and received these documents on Wednesday afternoon. According to this complaint, the victim went to Bluebird’s house February 26 to make him finish a tattoo for her. She told the police that while he was doing the tattoo, he repeatedly stuck it. She also claimed that she passed for a period of time and woke up with the shirt on Inside and the jeans abolished. She said she thought she was sexually assaulted while she was unconscious.

The complaint states that Bluebird told the police, however, that the woman initiated a physical interaction with him and that everything was consensual. He also claimed that they were intimate before.

Bluebird is scheduled to appear for a preliminary exam on March 19, at 10:00

Bluebird served a 2 -year sentence for a criminal sentence of April 2024 at the time of submitting these charges. He was arrested on July 13, 2023 After an incident of road anger in which he stabbed a driver outside the state.

In a plea agreement in April 2024, he was guilty for a number of attack with a dangerous weapon (criminal attack). The second accusation, assault with the intention of doing a bodily harm less than the murder, was rejected. He was sentenced in May last year to 2 years of evidence.