
Patsy’s house to raise awareness of abuse of children with Fundraiser Pinwheel

Patsy’s house to raise awareness of abuse of children with Fundraiser Pinwheel

Wichita Falls, Texas (Kauz) – with April being the abuse of children and the awareness, Patsy’s house in Wichita Falls increases awareness with their annual Pinwheel funds.

For April, Pinwheels will be placed on the lawn of Patsy’s house, representing the children affected by the abuse of children in the surrounding counties.

Patsy’s house said that in 2024, 2,369 cases of children abuse in Wichita and the surrounding counties were investigated.

The community is asked to help the donation awareness. Each $ 20 donation eliminates a wheel and helps Patsy’s home symbolically delete children’s abuse.

The purpose of Patsy’s house is to make every pine wheel by the end of the month.

Donations will help provide essential services to victims of abuses on children and their unhappy caregivers in our area. Donations can be done personally at Patsy’s House from 1411 Tenth Street, calling (940) 322-8890 or visiting