
Moment Brazen Shoplifter is caught on video that walks from tesco with a basket full of cooking oil and a bottle of red

Moment Brazen Shoplifter is caught on video that walks from tesco with a basket full of cooking oil and a bottle of red

A slippery store was seen running with a supermarket in London, with a basket full of cooking oil in a hand and a bottle of red wine in the other.

The incident, which took place in Southall Tesco Express in Western London, was filmed by amazed spectators who did not believe that the thief’s fault.

In the shocking materials, Shoplifter can be seen peruding the corridor of the store with fatty prey in the traction.

Shoplifter was witness throwing a lot of Tesco brand of 1.99 pounds of vegetable oil in a basket, along with other cooking oils.

Two members of Tesco staff also pursued the incident.

The march is out of the store, the thief took one last souvenir in the form of a bottle of red wine and did not try to pay while on the main road.

Making his way on King Street, the shoplifter then doubles and goes on the main road in the opposite direction.

Dressed in green fighting pants, a gray and cap, the man then thrown on a side street to get his getaway.

Moment Brazen Shoplifter is caught on video that walks from tesco with a basket full of cooking oil and a bottle of red

There is a worsen shoplifter that walks through Tesco with a basket full of cooking oil and a bottle of red wine

The thief can be seen leaving Tesco from West London, without even trying to pay

The thief can be seen leaving Tesco from West London, without even trying to pay

Dressed in green fighting pants, a gray and cap, the man threw on a side street to make her getaway

Dressed in green fighting pants, a gray and cap, the man threw on a side street to make her getaway

The shocked locals slammed the frightening theft and expressed the belief that more should be done to stop them.

An amazed buyer filmed theft on your cell phone in a 36-second video.

Marie Hurst wrote on Facebook: “It’s a joke. It has to stop, it would save money to hire three huge rejections. ‘

Paul Douglas added: “It should block the doors, then the common sense.”

Derek Renshaw Pumed: ‘England is completed. True story.’

Matt Plumley joked: “If you are stealing things, you receive a life bonus basket, winning.”

Met and Tesco police have been approached for comments.

The incident comes just a few weeks after the London Mayor Sir Sadiq Khan was ridiculed because he claimed that shopping has grown in the Capital “because we have a lot of shops.”

Shoplifter was video by other amazed customers

Shoplifter was video by other amazed customers

The thief threw up on the Kings Street in Southall, western London before he was escaping on a quiet street

The thief threw up on the Kings Street in Southall, western London before he was escaping on a quiet street

The incident comes just a few weeks after the mayor of London, Sir Sadiq Khan, was ridiculed because he claimed that shopping has grown in the Capital

The incident comes just a few weeks after the mayor of London, Sir Sadiq Khan, was ridiculed because he claimed that shopping has grown in the Capital “because we have a lot of shops”

Sir Sadiq, who was a knight in the List of Honors of King New Year, spoke after the official figures revealed that 80,041 selling offenses were registered in the year until September, compared to 53.202 a year before.

The growth of 50 percent is greater than the double of the 22 % growth in England and Wales as a whole and comes at a time when the number of stores decreases.

Caused by why London is wearing a rate, he said: “Because we have a lot of shops here and because the cost of life costs is more acute in the capital.

“Personal theft and personal robbery is a great concern for me in London.

Over 13,000 stores have been closed for the last time in the UK last year, with competition from online retailers and has grown partially to blame.

But the shopping wave has led many to the wall, and the Retail Center stipulates that the trend will accelerate this year.

Pandora, Swarovski, Bershka, Urban Outfitters and River Island have announced all the plans to close their icford Street stores in London, against warnings that official crime figures dramatically underestimate the extent of the problem.

On average, 55,000 thefts a day now takes place in Britain’s stores, according to a poll conducted by British Retail Consortium (BRC), with a quarter in the last 12 months.

Violent thefts involving a weapon take place 70 times a day, with retailers who blame an organized gangs that steal.