
Tennessee moves to make filming secretly without the consent of an offense

Tennessee moves to make filming secretly without the consent of an offense

A call to make illegal photography an offense in Tennessee, instead of an offense.

The draft law to eliminate criminals by increasing the accusation is before in the state legislator. This, as the Metro police said, there has been a slight increase compared to 2023 so far of illegal photography arrests.

The victims of a man accused of secretly registered women during sex, without their consent, send their message to parliamentarians. They said that this crime should be taken seriously because these records have changed their lives forever.

The video of Christiana Werner Dancing’s mobile phone with Matthew Vollmer a little over six months ago paints a picture of happiness.

Wener told Fox 17 News that he has no indication that the relationship will turn into a nightmare.

She said she had found videos on Vollmer’s computer and other women who were not presented with which she had died that she had sex, who were taken with a hidden room in an alarm.

What Werner has seen it terrified to this day.

“I have never seen them before. I never knew about them, I never agreed,” she said. “I was definitely in a shock. It was swallowed.”

She said she turned Vollmer into Metro police, where they accused him of illegal photography, which is currently a crime.

The accusation has a maximum punishment of 11 months in prison.

“You feel it is just a palm on your wrist,” Werner said.

She and other women, such as Emily Benavidas, who have been victimized, want the criminal accusation to become an offense for illegal photography.

“This is beyond the legal reform, it gives power back to the victims,” ​​Benavides said.

Courtney Muller, the Community Information and Information Director for the Family Safety Center said the act is a type of family violence. She said that increasing illegal photography to an offense will help to discourage these predators.

“There are several sanctions and this is indeed a discouragement element for someone who wants to do it,” she said.

The draft law that will support the accusation passed on Wednesday in a chamber committee.

However, the reason is that the draft law will fully pass in the General Assembly in Tennessee to become law, so that the future victims can be protected.

Another draft law, pushed by the same victims, the law of victims of Voyeurism, which increases the statue of limitations and allows a protection order already in the Senate.

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