
The suspect in the massive fentanil bust has a history of drugs related to drugs

The suspect in the massive fentanil bust has a history of drugs related to drugs

Grandville, Mich.-The Grand Rapid (GRPD) police department has announced a significant confiscation of the fentanil in an apartment in the Grandville area on March 3. The suspect, Darrell Mitchell, 53, was arrested and accused of possession with delivering (Pwid) Fentanil.

According to investigators, approximately 500 grams of “purified” and 250 grams of black gudron heroin, along with cutting substances, a digital scale and a respirator were discovered on the spot.

They say that the confiscated fentanel is estimated to be enough to kill the entire population of Grand Rapids and Grandville.

“This operation was part of a continuous investigation, for months, aimed at disturbing the flow of illegal drugs in our community,” said Mike Maycroft, the deputy chief of GRPD, at a press conference, Wednesday afternoon.

The head of GRPD, Eric Winstrom, added: “I have no doubt that this would have led to illegal sales of a deadly substance for many people in the Western Michigan area.”

“I can’t tell you how many people would have died.”

Grand Rapids

Grpd vice main unit fentanyl to kill Grand Rapids, Grandville

The investigation is ongoing, and the police say that additional arrests are possible.

According to the judicial documents obtained on Thursday by Fox 17 News, Mitchell has a history of drug offenses, being arrested at least six times before using or holding controlled substances.

The latest conviction was for possession with the intention to distribute (PWID) cocaine, for which he served 17 years in federal custody before being released on January 31, 2024.

He is to remain in conditions of federal freedom by 2029 related to this case.

Mitchell’s first recorded arrest took place on October 1, 1988. He was found guilty of consuming substances controlled by crimes and sentenced to 12 months of evidence. Just a few months later, on December 28, 1988, he was arrested again and was guilty of attempting a controlled substance.

In 1990, Mitchell was arrested twice: on March 21 for the consumption of crimes controlled substances and on April 2 for the possession of crimes controlled substances. He pleaded guilty for both charges.

In August 1991, Mitchell was arrested for illegal use of a motor vehicle.

Mitchell’s offenses have seized in severity over the years.

On October 23, 1999, he was arrested and was guilty of holding the crime of controlled substances and offense running away from the police.

Now he looks at the possibility of another long stay behind the bars.

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