
Protests at national level burst into Bangladesh after a brutal 8 -year -old attack

Protests at national level burst into Bangladesh after a brutal 8 -year -old attack

Tasted by the brutal attack of an eight-year-old girl from Magura, Citizens of Bangladesh went out on the streets on March 9, asking for justice and stricter measures to reduce violence against women and children, according to local media reports.

The terrible incident has sparked protests spread in different parts of the country, the students and groups of civil society raising their voice in anger. According to reports, the tragic incident took place on Wednesday, when the young victim was raped at her sister’s house in Magura. The child, who suffered critical injuries, was initially treated in the pediatric intensive care unit at Dhaka Medical College Hospital before being transferred to the CMH Hospital for Advanced Care, reports the main newspaper in Bangladesh, The daily star.

So far, Magura Police has arrested four people about the attack. In response to the incident, teachers and students of the Dhaka University organized a protest rally on Campus earlier. The demonstration, organized by the network of university professors, started at 11:00 at the foot of the iconic sculpture Defenseoo Bangla, with the rally starting at 11:45. In Rajshahi, hundreds of students at Rajshahi University boycotted their classes and exams, blocking the Dhaka-Drashahi highway for almost half an hour.

Students have asked for quick actions and tougher punishments for the perpetrators of sexual violence to ensure women’s safety. Also, the protests broke out at the Islamic University (IU) in Kushtia, where the students blocked the Khulna-Kushtia highway near the main gate of the university. The demonstration followed a protest march that started from the Botatola area of ​​the University at noon, reports the main daily Dhaka Tribune. The students asked for the death penalty for those accused of such attractive crimes.

Meanwhile, save children, who have been working actively for child protection in Bangladesh for over five decades, condemned the incident Magura.