
Skye House Psych Children’s Hospital in Scotland is a horror house of abuse

Skye House Psych Children’s Hospital in Scotland is a horror house of abuse

Psychiatry wrapped the evil tentacles around Scotland.

There, a horrible scandal that involves the abuse and imprisonment of young people from a 24 beds unity has that health officials react from the country, which swears to increase the horror hole that is Skye House.

The largest psychiatric hospital for children in Scotland and treated patients as criminals instead of young people who need understanding and care.

Forced drug, patient retention, brutality, cruelty, mockery and abuse were the dirty secrets of Skye House, recently dragged out by an amazing investigation by the BBC.

Nearly 30 former patients at the hospital they told them their horrible stories.

“It was almost as if I were treated like an animal,” said one.

Another one, called Skye House “Hell”. “The culture of the healthcare team was quite toxic,” she said. “Many of them, to be honest, were quite cruel.”

“I was constantly punished for things.”

Former patients revealed horror on horror – verbal abuse, physical attacks, being dragged on the hospital corridors, brutalized and strongly drug.

Instead of taking care and concern, more girls said, the staff would mock them for their conditions.

A young woman named Abby entered the Skye House at the age of 14 and spent two and a half years there, under the complete control of the hospital.

On one occasion, he said she was mocked for self-daring. “The nurse came to me and almost chuckle, like a kind of grin and said,” You are pathetic, like looking at yourself. ” I felt like bullying sometimes, to the point where I just wanted to hurt myself, ”she said.

She also described that she was strongly drugged. “Many of the patients were like walking zombies,” she said. “Many times we were just sedated to the point where I think our personalities were dark.”

“Without trying to talk to me first or calm me down, they would go directly to give a (injection),” said a former patient named Jenna. She explained that the staff would drown them and her colleagues of patients “to have an easier change”.

“Sometimes,” she said, “only came to me and would take my arms and take me. I would just be dragged by many nurses. It was a kind of subtle punishment to learn a lesson. “

After self-dating, two of the girls said they would be given the napkin and told them to clean their own blood while the staff abused them. “I remember that the staff member said,” You are disgusting, as it is disgusting, you have to clean this. ” He made me feel really horrible, ”a girl remembered.

Cara has been closed in Skye House for more than two years. It was placed in restrictions over 400 times. A lot of her hair was removed and was left traumatized and tasted. “I was constantly punished for things,” she said.

According to the Scottish Mental Health Law, a court consisting of a lawyer, a psychiatrist and a mental health worker determine Whether involuntary “treatment” and institutionalization is the recommended course. If I emit a mandatory treatment order, a patient can be openly institutionalized and issued only after a psychiatrist who establishes that he is, in fact, “healed”.

The act allows forced drug and electroshock, says a government website.

“Those young people were children – children who needed our care and support.”

A girl described how, after being assaulted, she thought she contacted the police, but she was too scared she would receive worse treatment at Skye House if she did.

Louise Menzies, a 14-year-old girl, was hanging in a supposed “suicide resistant” room at Skye House in 2013.

Sheriff Daniel SchoLion spoken at that time: “It is clear that an incident like this, who led and ended in this tragic death, was predictable. The failures in these cases persisted over a long period of time. In my judgment, these failures were clearly serious. “

However, the abuse continued, which caused the BBC to launch the recent investigation, which has now reached a major noise in the Government of Scotland.

Maree Todd, Minister Wellbeing Mental, told the Parliament: “What I heard in the program shocked me and implemented me in sequence of events that would offer me and others in this insurance chamber that the situation has changed from the time period of the program.”

“The abuse and cruelty that were shown in the documentary (BBC) revealed the institutional crisis at Skye House,” said Meghan Gallacher, a member of the Scottish Parliament. “Those young people were children – children who needed our care and support.”

Dr. Scott Davidson, the medical director of the Greater Glasgow and Clyde National Health Service, acknowledged that “care” at Skye House is “below the level I was waiting for for our young people.”

It is quite underestimated. Honestly, it is below the level that would be expected for convicts in prisons.

In fact, it is torture, simple and simple.

While Scottish health authorities are instituting additional inspections Skye House and all other psychiatric facilities for young people in Scotland to “ensure the quality and safety of our mental health services and adolescents … both now and in the future”, it has to be done much more – and quickly.

The Law on Scottish mental health places too much power in the hands of psychiatrists, which have been proved again from time to time, cannot be reliable with the “mental health” of anyone – to the east of all our helpless children.

The government of Scotland must immediately reform the process by which its people can be deprived of their freedom, with an open sentence, at these abuse factories.