
Entsetzen über Massaker a Alewiten in Syrien

Entsetzen über Massaker a Alewiten in Syrien

NR Für AFP-ABONNENTEN (without resale) ACAS chain, Syrien 5. März 2025 Quelle: AFPTV 1. 00-00: 06 Total member of the new authorities in Syria who fired their weapon from a vehicle mounted during the confrontations with Gunamen in Sanamayn, in the Southern province 2. Authorities in Syria Security forces that fire their weapon from a vehicle mounted during confrontations with Sanamayn weapons, in the south of Daraa province. 3. 00: 11-00: 17 Total member of the new authorities in Syria the security forces that fire their weapon during confrontations with the weapon in Sanamayn, in Januari, in the southern province of Druraa Damaskus, Syrien. Januari, in the southern province of Darai Damaskus, Syrien 13. 4. Total Fighter from the new authorities in Syria the security forces that charge a heavy machine gun 7. Syrian 7. März 2025 Quelle: Syrian presidency 9. Strictly responsible. Our people in the coastal areas, the areas of confrontations, are part of our responsibility and it is our duty to protect them and save them from the gangs of the fallen regime. 01: 13-01: 17 Halbnahe Fighters gathers in Idlib before heading to Latakia to support the forces of the new authority in Syria Damaskus, Syrien 8. Dezember 2024 Quelle: AFPTV 13. 01: 17-01: 22 total residents and rebellors celebrating Damascus’ Lummark Umayyd City 14. 01: 22-01: 29 Totad Mosque in Old City 14. 01: 22-01: 29 Totad Mosque in Old City 14. 01: 22-01: 29 Totals Mosquent in Old 14. Moschea Umayyad while recites verses in Koran 15