
The dedicated line of surviving male abuses are facing closing

The dedicated line of surviving male abuses are facing closing

A person who used the service in the northern -Vest has told the BBC that they are afraid that male victims would be less likely to use RSASL, because all the phonant directions have been employed only by women.

“I was abused by a woman, the last person I want to talk to about this experience is a woman,” he said.

“It is very important that the user can choose the genre of the person he is talking to.”

The client said he was abused between eight and 18 years old and suffered post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

“Ptsd is cumulative, so every time something happens, it triggers me, it gets worse,” he said.

“I would see someone the same as the person who abused me and triggered me, reached the point where I was just leaving the house.”

He said he had spent many years trying to get help before finding Safeline’s Nmsh.

“I tried everything, I referred to the NHS and it was a 48-week waiting,” he said.

“I was offered cognitive behavioral therapy and sent to group sessions, but this is not something you can talk about in a group of strangers.”

He said he came across NMSH while investigating treatment options and was amazed as soon as he could.

He said that “in a few weeks” he was sent for therapy and continued to receive frequent counseling sessions.

“It was quite different, they understood completely. I didn’t expect much, given my history with other services and it didn’t cost me money.

“250,000 pounds is nothing when you consider what they do for people. I’m amazed they have managed to help me so much on a tiny budget.”