
Florida historical chapter to shine purple for Alzheimer’s awareness

Florida historical chapter to shine purple for Alzheimer’s awareness

Over 100 lawyers and legislators from all over Florida will join Tallahassee to shine the legislative priorities of the Alzheimer’s Association during the Florida legislative session.

“We are extremely grateful for numerous lawyers who gather in Tallahassee to share their personal stories with the parliamentarians and to hear their voices,” said Alexander Anderson, vice -president of Florida for the Alzheimer’s Association.

“With over 580,000 floridians living with Alzheimer’s, these dedicated lawyers are essential to help obtain the legislative priorities of the Alzheimer’s Association. funding. ”

The annual lighting ceremony on Monday, March 10, will start at 6:00 pm on the steps of the old chapter and will be broadcast live by the chapters of the Florida Association on YouTube.

Confirmed speakers for Violet lighting ceremony include:

  • Secretary Michelle Branham, Department of Florida old business
  • Cari Eyre, dementia director, Department of Florida old business
  • Senator Danny Burgess, sponsor of the SB 398 awareness program for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia disorders
  • Representative Michelle Salzman, sponsor for learning cerebral bus
  • Christine Burger, living with a light cognitive deficiency and advocates

On Monday, March 10, between 9:00 and 5:00 pm, the Brain Battar of the Alzheimer’s Association will be in Capitol Courteard for legislators and staff to visit and find out about the valuable services offered. The association is trying to keep $ 491,614 in financing for Brain Bus traveling throughout the state. Lawyers will be available to talk about how the bus has an impact on Florida.

On Tuesday, March 11, lawyers will meet with legislators to share their stories and ask them to support the key priorities for the 2025 legislative session, which include:

  • Finance $ 1.5 million to develop an Alzheimer’s and state -related dementia awareness program (SB 398 / HB1065)
  • Keep USD 4914 in financing for Alzheimer’s Association Brain
  • Support the Governor’s recommendation with a $ 6 million increase in financing for the Alzheimer’s (ADI) disease initiative and an increase of $ 8 million for the Elderly Care (CCE) program
  • Maintain $ 5 million in Financing for ED and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s research program

To find out more about each of the priorities, visit

Florida has the second largest number of residents living with Alzheimer’s in the country, with over 580,000 living with the disease. They are supported by over 840,000 unpaid family carers. Every year, Alzheimer kills more people than breast cancer and combined prostate cancer.