
The scams continue to be phone –

The scams continue to be phone –

We receive daily telephone calls from foreigners trying to fool us.

Usually, they are not who claim to be.

“This is the television service provider” has started a caller the next day.

If you receive such a phone call, close immediately.

If a caller does not ask you by name then the appellant does not know your name. If the appellant does not identify the name of the company from which it is supposed to call, then the appellant does not know the name of the company concerned.

This also applies to foreigners who claim to be from the “electricity company”, “your insurance supplier”, etc. If they knew the company’s name, they will use it.

My most common response is “How can I direct your call?” That often prevents them.

A frequent appeal claims that it represents an accident resolution company and asks about car accidents that I have had in the last year. I do not tell them who we are, what car we owe or if it was involved in an accident. Sometimes, I will tell a lie: “My lawyer advised me not to talk about the accident with foreigners and to send him all the questions. Her phone number is – ”

Click. They clung.

Many of the robot appellants begin to ask “How are you today?” If I answer: “Rotten and you?” They continue with: “It’s great! I call you to announce … “An entity that pushes an advanced medicine plan that offers dental, vision, food and something called” Flex Card “. And the Spiel ended, asking if I subscribe to medicine.

– You mentioned something called Flex Card, I said. “What is this?”

“Perfect! You are eligible for advanced coverage. I will put you in a supervisor.” The new speaker has heard me, but he did not answer the question, gave him the prescribed spel and concluded with “Do you belong to Medicare Parts A and B?” I said: “No” was hanged.

I received a call this morning, reporting a purchase of nearly $ 1,000 perceived “Your Amazon Account”. To challenge the accusation, push 1; To confirm the fee, push 2; To talk to an Amazon representative, Push 3; To hear your choices again, push 4.

Anyone challenging the accusation of IS -I will undoubtedly request the name, address, Amazon account number and personal financial information.

I don’t have an Amazon account. I know I didn’t buy anything from Amazon. I know any question about an Amazon purchase is false.

So I clung.

Most of the time, they only fish for personal information. About you. Don’t offer it.

I think someone called to play life insurance. It was hard to say because of his thick accent. I said it sounds great, but I would rather go down to his desk to discuss in person. Could he give me his address?

Click. He was hanged.

Sometimes instead of English I will speak French. No robot caller has yet understood me.

Sometimes I will ask the caller’s phone number, saying I would like to research what I say and call them back later. Without dice. They don’t want to – they are not even allowed to disclose their phone number.

By the way, any “call ID” number that appears with their call, it is usually false. If you call it, nine times out of 10 you will reach a disconnected line.

I received a call today that informed me “Your State” has implemented a program to pay the funeral and burial costs of all. I asked what condition it refers to. I have not received an answer. Goodbye.

The appellant who claims to be from my television service provider was human, but did not name any television service provider. He didn’t even know my name.

I asked what he was selling.

“We do not sell anything. This is just to warn you that you could be in danger of losing your television service. “He asked if the TV was started. It wasn’t. He asked me to turn on the TV so that he could determine if our household is in danger of losing his television service.

“The television is at the opposite end of the house,” I replied. “I don’t want to go there right now. Can’t you just tell me what the supposed problems could be? ”
He continued to advise me to turn on the TV.

– Well, I said, “you convinced me. He convinced me that we no longer want to subscribe to any television service at your company. Please cancel our television service. “And I hung.

There is no danger. The unpleasant appellant has never known the name, address or television service provider or the account number with our provider and, although it may know that our phone number is undisturbed and do not lead it to us. He was just fishing for personal information.

I think these calls persist, because the scammers have to achieve only a small part of the time to make a very profitable life from the wrong presentation.

Some people are happy to answer all the questions asked by a stranger, man or not, who call them. Perhaps these people have honestly answered all their whole lives. They are good, honest people. Unfortunately, there are also those who are most likely to be cheated.

Be suspicious. Watch your personal information with zeal.

Why do all these phone calls? Because the callers know nothing about you.

Let’s keep it like that.

ARTHUR VIDRO | On consumption